Originally posted by Helmholtz
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Sorry it took me a while to get back to this thread, I've been meaning to respond.
When I brought it up, I never meant to imply those LEDs were a suitable analog or replacement to a cathode resistor. It is most certainly a a form of fixed biasing. Keep in mind, I mentioned very specific part, with a "fairly" linear operating region from 10 to 100mA (the case could be made that it's "quite" linear in that region, but you won't hear it from me). This was only in the context of potentially elevating the heater supply in the U-45B as a means of improving noise performance. I mentioned it as an alternative to cathode biasing, which in a similar manor, would establish a stable positive voltage to achieve a bias, as well as elevate the heater supply.
If you want to continue a larger discussion on diode biasing, I'm happy to do it in a separate thread. I actually still have quite a few of these LED in a parts bin and we can run some tests. But, we're drifting off topic on a point which, quite frankly, is moot. There is no need to elevate the supply. The amp is unrecognizably quiet grounding the heater supply in the way I described above.