Hi - it's a while since I've been on here.
A few years ago, I built a Fender Pro copy that switched between cathode (5E5) and fixed (5E5A) bias. My thinking was to try and hear the difference between the two as a guitar player and to use the fixed bias setting to get a cleaner sound for recording bass guitar. I fitted it with a 15" bass speaker (JBL K140).
It sounded great until recently when it developed a loud hum, which didn't alter with the volume controls and got louder as the amp warmed up.
I noticed that the heater of one of the tubes (Russian military 6N3C = 6L6 - max plate voltage 400VDC, plate dissipation 19W) wasn't glowing.
I swapped them round and the non-glowing tube swapped too, so I replaced them with a fresh pair - no difference.
I swapped out the rectifier (GZ34) twice - no difference.
I swapped out the pre-amp and phase-inverter tubes one by one - no difference.
The PT is a Hammond 291 CEX (650 VAC).
Voltages read as follows:
VAC: 722
B+ 458
Plate to ground voltage outer power tube: 461 (far too high!)
Plate to ground voltage inner power tube: 461
Voltage 1st smoothing cap: 452
Voltage 2nd " 383
Voltage 3rd " 390
Voltage 4th " 330
The voltages on the last 3 smoothing caps starts to drop as the amp warms up and the hum gets louder.
There's a protector fuse from the rectifier and diodes on the pins too.
I feel like I'm missing a simple problem, but I'm not experienced enough to know where to go next. Could it be the PT?
I'd be most grateful for any suggestions.
A few years ago, I built a Fender Pro copy that switched between cathode (5E5) and fixed (5E5A) bias. My thinking was to try and hear the difference between the two as a guitar player and to use the fixed bias setting to get a cleaner sound for recording bass guitar. I fitted it with a 15" bass speaker (JBL K140).
It sounded great until recently when it developed a loud hum, which didn't alter with the volume controls and got louder as the amp warmed up.
I noticed that the heater of one of the tubes (Russian military 6N3C = 6L6 - max plate voltage 400VDC, plate dissipation 19W) wasn't glowing.
I swapped them round and the non-glowing tube swapped too, so I replaced them with a fresh pair - no difference.
I swapped out the rectifier (GZ34) twice - no difference.
I swapped out the pre-amp and phase-inverter tubes one by one - no difference.
The PT is a Hammond 291 CEX (650 VAC).
Voltages read as follows:
VAC: 722
B+ 458
Plate to ground voltage outer power tube: 461 (far too high!)
Plate to ground voltage inner power tube: 461
Voltage 1st smoothing cap: 452
Voltage 2nd " 383
Voltage 3rd " 390
Voltage 4th " 330
The voltages on the last 3 smoothing caps starts to drop as the amp warms up and the hum gets louder.
There's a protector fuse from the rectifier and diodes on the pins too.
I feel like I'm missing a simple problem, but I'm not experienced enough to know where to go next. Could it be the PT?
I'd be most grateful for any suggestions.