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Tweed amp replacement handles

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  • Tweed amp replacement handles

    Has anyone come up with a rugged replacement handle for big Tweeds that fits the existing hardware? Seems that every part of a Bassman or Twin has been reproduced, has anyone cured the handle aspect?
    While perusing the owner's manual for the new '57 TWin RI I noticed under the Accessories heading it lists "Fitted Cover" and "Extra Rugged Strap Handle". Has any one seen them? Are they truely "Extra Rugged"
    Last edited by Bigsbyguy; 06-06-2009, 10:29 PM. Reason: New Info

  • #2
    Go over to AES and check out their selection of handles. I am sure the handles on the new Fenders are "extra rugged" the same way the steaks at a local restaurant are "extra juicy."

    Antique Electronic Supply
    Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.

