I'm always a little stoked when these things work. I just got a PIC up and running that puts out a mixture of 164Hz and 329Hz for an E-tuner output and integrates in the old amplifier circuits - I think. The simulation says it does, anyway.
Pulling a pin low on the PIC at power up makes it be a G tuner.
This turns the old tapped-inductor tuner oscillator into a single IC and some discretes on a bit of board, and ought to plug into the same connector. It's crystal controlled, so it won't ever drift.
Now all I gotta do is rebuild the patchboard onto some perfboard and try it in an amp.
Sorry - I had to tell someone.
Pulling a pin low on the PIC at power up makes it be a G tuner.
This turns the old tapped-inductor tuner oscillator into a single IC and some discretes on a bit of board, and ought to plug into the same connector. It's crystal controlled, so it won't ever drift.
Now all I gotta do is rebuild the patchboard onto some perfboard and try it in an amp.
Sorry - I had to tell someone.