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Mackie SRS1500 Class G repair help?

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  • Mackie SRS1500 Class G repair help?

    I will start of with an apology, being 70 years old & this is my first forum. Please feel free to ridicule, chuckle or shake heads when it comes to my electronic prowess.
    I've had a lot of luck fixing my band's stuff for more than12 years - but repairing my SRS1500 this time has me frustrated to a full stop.
    I am not sure of protocol to get help on this site but us retired old farts are happy to come up with some $$ to get it going again.- (or donate to the cause?)
    I have all schematics if needed and have troubleshot using other posts on this website concerning the SRS1500. ( fix power supllies first)

    Not sure how or if I am allowed to attach schematic PDF's. but issue 1 ?

    BOTH Low voltage rails at test points +V2 & - V2 (ref 0V) now drop to 0V - BUT return to nominal when D16 , D11 are lifted (the diodes that tie the HI volt rails to LOW rails somehow on this Class G amp??)
    HI volt rails test at V1+ & V1- are always +75v , -75v but something is dragging V2 rails down when tied to V1 rails circuit, it seems?
    Q15 & Q27 get hot quickly & so I only test (powered on) for about 10 seconds.
    I only have a multimeter now - but will have access to a shop this weekend with lots of testing stuff.
    I have replaced the blown and/or tested all the "heat sunk" Mosfets drivers & such to the best of my limited knowledge, but now scratching my head & need real professional help. (boy do I !)
    Any assistance or direction is greatly appreciated.
    Last edited by Av8n2; 08-12-2024, 03:53 PM. Reason: Corrected Diode ID's that I lift to get Low volts rail to show voltage

  • #2
    SRS1500 Class G AMP Board
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Insufficient data for analysis. Which parts were replaced? What measurements were taken at what points in the circuit? What is the voltage across R56? Do Q15, Q27 have a heatsink? What is the condition of TH1? What is the nominal value of C12, C13 ?
      Are R24, R17 serviceable ?


      • #4
        Thanks for the prompt reply & possibly some hope..
        I will get as much info together as I can this evening and post back.


        • #5
          Sorry for the delay (family issues) Using X-Pro questions (THANK YOU) led me to finding a resistor, diode, mosfets & 2 Power transistors not good. I also replaced both opto-couplers (not sure if bad)
          All parts were about $25 US total from China and this amp played for 4 hours perfectly so far. I have purchased a spare amp board and will try my luck fixing that soon too.
          Thanks for the help again.

