On the 400 B/G board on heatsink
I removed all 8 power transistors from the circuitboard and they tested the same as follows
base to emitter 334kohms and infinity rev pol
case/collector to base(not sure which lead is emitter or base)224kohms and infinty rev pol.
case/collector to emmitter infinity with both meter lead polarities
I'm assuming that this because It's not conducting being out of the circuit
Are these normal readings? I'm inclined to think so, but I'm not sure
2-47ohm resistors meter ok
2-diodes not shorted (I lifted 1 end from ckt)read 170ohms and infinity in rev pol.
6 -10watt .33 resistors read good
2-10watt 1ohm resistors read good
Thermal switch is closed/shorted
On the 400BH driver board
I lifted 1 end of each of the BIG diodes and they metered good no short
I tested all transistors on this board in the circuit and nothing reads shorted
I pulled the 2 4700uf big capacitors and they read close to tolerance with my Fluke 87DMM
the 2 -1/4" speaker jacks are not shorted and look OK
None of the glass diodes appear to be shorted I have not lifted from the circuitboard yet
the IC TL074CN looks alittle discolored but the rest of the board shows no signs of heat and discoloration
The paper inductor/coil meas. reads 2ohms the 22ohm resistor in paralell looks Ok
Any Ideas what I could check next?
would a bad IC TL074CN on the driver board cause the main fuse to blow??????
ENZO you in the house?
I removed all 8 power transistors from the circuitboard and they tested the same as follows
base to emitter 334kohms and infinity rev pol
case/collector to base(not sure which lead is emitter or base)224kohms and infinty rev pol.
case/collector to emmitter infinity with both meter lead polarities
I'm assuming that this because It's not conducting being out of the circuit
Are these normal readings? I'm inclined to think so, but I'm not sure
2-47ohm resistors meter ok
2-diodes not shorted (I lifted 1 end from ckt)read 170ohms and infinity in rev pol.
6 -10watt .33 resistors read good
2-10watt 1ohm resistors read good
Thermal switch is closed/shorted
On the 400BH driver board
I lifted 1 end of each of the BIG diodes and they metered good no short
I tested all transistors on this board in the circuit and nothing reads shorted
I pulled the 2 4700uf big capacitors and they read close to tolerance with my Fluke 87DMM
the 2 -1/4" speaker jacks are not shorted and look OK
None of the glass diodes appear to be shorted I have not lifted from the circuitboard yet
the IC TL074CN looks alittle discolored but the rest of the board shows no signs of heat and discoloration
The paper inductor/coil meas. reads 2ohms the 22ohm resistor in paralell looks Ok
Any Ideas what I could check next?
would a bad IC TL074CN on the driver board cause the main fuse to blow??????
ENZO you in the house?