Those little transistors are what we call a TO92 type. That refers to the shape: transistor outline #92. The little flat faced half-round black things. Looking at the flat face, legs down, left to right, the legs are emitter, base, and collector: EBC helps to refer to emitter or base or collector.
The part is an MPSA13, common enough. Peavey would sell you one, or any general electronics part supplier like Mouser or Digikey. or you might find one locally. Where are you located?
I am not a fan of extra part moving, but you could swap Q108 and 208 and see if the problem follows the part.
The part is an MPSA13, common enough. Peavey would sell you one, or any general electronics part supplier like Mouser or Digikey. or you might find one locally. Where are you located?
I am not a fan of extra part moving, but you could swap Q108 and 208 and see if the problem follows the part.