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Portable PA Peavey versus carlsbro

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  • #16
    Hey !!!
    Itīs a small World indeed !!
    The guy who backs up everyting you say, who speaks like you, who thinks like you, who's angry and clueless like you is ............
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    Why do I say "angry"?
    well,he posts such stuff as:
    >>> At VOX | Discussion Forums

    Horrible Schematics! Big Problem
    Started 5 months ago by soundguruman
    soundguruman Member
    Why won't Vox supply their customers with legible schematics?
    Every vox schematic we get is almost unusable, unreadable! Why?
    Peavey, Fender, even Crate supplies customers with usable information. Vox WON'T!
    Vox, it's time to help your customers take care of their equipment. Don't you realize the support your providing is inadequate??? Stop supplying illegible schematics to your customers!
    Where's the clear copies of the schematics???
    POST your schematics ON LINE, where Vox customers can access them. Stop giving us the runaround, and help us fix our amps, without the roadblocks!
    I call Vox and wait 30 minutes on hold, only to be informed that Vox will not provide schematics. Very inconsiderate to repair shops and customers. I get a hold of a schematic from a Vox dealer, and the schematic is non-readable.
    Thanks a lot Vox. I will remember this the next time I spend $1600 on a new amplifier. I will buy a product from a manufacturer that supports it!
    Michael Friedlander (repair shop)
    Why do I say "clueless"?
    Well, he can't figure out how or where to buy "mystery parts" labelled: "C 3198 C 4370 A 1837 A 1266"
    He asks for possible NTE replacements and gets angry that Samson does not sell a full, new Power PCB so he can just plug it in (and, presumably, avoid all that pesky troubleshooting problem)

    >>> Posted at:
    Results 1 to 2 of 2
    Thread: 5500 HAS EXPLODING CAPACITORS, (any mod or parts to prevent this?)
    07-21-2011, 09:40 PM #1
    soundguruman is offline Junior Member Tadpole
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    5500 HAS EXPLODING CAPACITORS, (any mod or parts to prevent this?)
    Yo dogs,
    Is there any Hartke genius(es) that have a mod for the 5500 power amp module? Parts be esplodin and stuff!
    This is a HA3500 power amp board V1.2
    Does anybody stock these transistors, or do you just use NTE whatever...?
    C 3198
    C 4370
    A 1837
    A 1266
    So far I got 11 parts on this board that burned, is this normal? But all the outputs are good. Seems like the PNP final driver shorted and took everything previous out.
    Is there any replacement P amp modules, or are you on your own out there? Any insight appreciated, thanks.
    (from repair shop swine)
    There's A LOT more, but I think this is enough.
    Or do I need to go on?
    Hope it won't be necessary.

    EDIT: let me add something.
    I am not making fun of you, not at all.
    I don't expect anybody to be born with knowledge.
    We were *all* green and clueless at our beginnings, learning along the way.
    Itīs not a Sin, far from it, but the very nature of things.
    But you discuss, scream and pontify as if you were, well, ..... a "Sound" "Guru" , yet on July 2011, barely 8 months ago, you showed yourself unexperienced and clueless, ... yet you had been treating us as ignorants for a long time before.
    How come?.
    Last edited by J M Fahey; 03-06-2012, 02:11 PM.
    Juan Manuel Fahey


    • #17
      I have a Kustom KPS-PM100 and it makes noise when run longer than 20 minutes...probably overheating. Do you have any solutions?


      • #18
        Welcome to the forum DJ.
        As this post got a wee bit out of hand, how about starting a new thread.
        Click on Forum (up top) start a new thread.
        Without proper diagnostics it is a crap shoot what is wrong.
        Bad power caps, bad solder joints, failed whatever.


        • #19
          Originally posted by DJDale View Post
          I have a Kustom KPS-PM100 and it makes noise when run longer than 20 minutes...probably overheating. Do you have any solutions?
          It's a Sanyo PA. You have to do the mods, reduce the voltage to the low voltage regulators.
          The low voltage regulators overheat, and blow, etccc...the unit goes into oscillation when the negative reg fails..
          They change 2 power resistors to reduce the voltage.
          Kustom Service Bulletin_061031-1_-15V Reg Failure_100W_SanyoModule-2.pdf
          It's not really just the minus regulator, it's both of them, plus and minus.
          Personally, I would like to take the regulators off the board, and mount them to the chassis. And I did.
          They are in need of a much bigger heat sink. But mounting them to the chassis basically solves the problem.
          I mount the larger power resistors to a terminal strip. I take them off the board...

          Finally, I mounted a 12 volt aluminum computer fan, with a metal wire guard over the blades...
          and I ran it off a 9V supply I made with a big ceramic resistor and a 9V zener...which were also mounted to the terminal strip.
          The 12 Volt fan running on 9 volts is not too noisy, but it does the trick for sure.

          Anyhow, i talked it over with the tech at Kustom service, and he agreed with me, it needed a cooling fan.
          There is no way it's going to keep running without one.

          After that, it's been running about 18 months now, without any more problems. I suppose the controls need cleaning.

