This amp has repeatedly been put on the back burner so I've decided to dedicate some time to fixing it - the RH channel is stuck in protect mode.
Does anyone have any general advice or specific approach to working on this particular amp? The manual suggests that it shouldn't be dismantled in order to troubleshoot, but that appears to be counter-intuitive as it's so tightly packed. It's an early rail-switcher, with the added feature that the incoming mains is also controlled. So, everything works, or everything doesn't - no in-between.
Does anyone have any general advice or specific approach to working on this particular amp? The manual suggests that it shouldn't be dismantled in order to troubleshoot, but that appears to be counter-intuitive as it's so tightly packed. It's an early rail-switcher, with the added feature that the incoming mains is also controlled. So, everything works, or everything doesn't - no in-between.