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[Help] Bihringer EUROPOWER PMX2000

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  • [Help] Bihringer EUROPOWER PMX2000

    Good day to all,

    I have a big problem with my power amp. The circuit board board burned out . I already bring this to technicians still no help. So I have to do this my own, since I have a some experience in electronics.

    If any one can share a pic of schematic/circuit diagram only that part is appreciated.

    Thank you.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    I just rebuilt one of those recently. With all that stuff burnt up, I would assume your output transistors are also destroyed.

    Behringer service centers are prevented by a signed agreement from distributing schematics. Most of the part values are printed on the board, and the two channels are identical.

    Behringer prices tend not to be high prices. With all that damage, and thinking of reliability in the long term, you might consider replacing the amplifier module completely. The power amp module is a Behringer type P2502 Europower. You might contact a Behringer dealer for a proce on that one where you are. If it is under $100, considering the labor required in rebuilding the burnt ones, plus all the parts, it might be worth the price. The whole mixer sells new for only $300.

    You have nothing to lose by contacting Behringer directly and asking for a schematic, the worst that could happen is they say "no."
    Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


    • #3

      Here is a picture of a working PC board with Identifiable parts I hope this helps you, In return I have a PMX 2000 which my freind hooked up a power amp output to the PMX2k power amp input just enough to burn the output resistors on the speaker jack pc card & like you I can not identify the resistors anymore they are titled R5 & R6 attaced are pictures of the back of the card (for identifacation) & a closeup of the R5 resistor location if yours is intact please picture it for me or if anyone know the resistor I need please advise, Thanks
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Those should be 22 ohms.
        Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


        • #5
          We are the primary Behringer USA parts distributor, and at this point, PC boards and modules are NOT available to service centers (including us). This might change in the future, but for now, it is what it is. The answer to schematics is a solid "no". We are bound by a Non-Disclosure Agreement with Behringer USA and Behringer GmbH.

          In addition, the PMX2000 is now old technology, and is superseded by the PMH2000 which uses Cool Audio power amp IC's with a modulated digital power supply. The modules, even if they were available, are not backwards compatible between the two.

          Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but we DO carry most of the components, including odd-sized caps, pots, encoders, etc.
          John R. Frondelli
          dBm Pro Audio Services, New York, NY

          "Mediocre is the new 'Good' "


          • #6
            I am also a Behringer service center. When I order parts from them, they come out of Memphis though. The problem seems to be one of stock. The power amp modules are available off and on. I have shown copies of the invoices to the office in Washington, the Memphis people seem to be way overcharging shipping weight on the warranty parts.

            The PMH3000 would occasionally blow up a power amp, and I can usually fix them, but they have been available when burnt beyond repair. They are single amp modules. Now there is the PMP3000 taking the place in the lineup, it has a dual power amp and so far they are not available. But that seems to be off and on either way. Have had luck ordering the DFX boards.

            So far all my PMH2000 PA rebuilds have been successful. (knocking wood.)

            If your stock is better than what Washington draws off, I might order from you. Parts NEVER come from them promptly. Took them MONTHs to identify and then to send the little bulbs in the crossovers of a B215. Could not find them in the bulb market. Speakers might come soon, might not.

            SO far I've needed few pots and sliders. Knobs we got, from scrapped units.
            Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


            • #7
              Burned output transistors

              Would someone be able to identify the output transistors on the Board?


              • #8
                It should be visible printed on the parts, plus they also silk screen the numbers in tiny print next to each part. They are 2SC5200 and 2SA1943 - a very common power output pair.
                Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


                • #9
                  behringer pmp 2000 europower

                  hai to all.

                  i have problem with my pmp2000, there so litle sound out. power amp is oke mixer ok, equaliser ok. may be pre amp ? can help me to send me schematic. this my email:


                  • #10
                    pmx2000 wires were hooked up wrong by my tech

                    Hello All,
                    I have a pmx2000 that my tech hooked the wires up on the power end wrong and burned up the 47 ohm and 18 ohm resitors up at the section of the board in the speaker and thermal section of the board. what else should I change in that circuit I see there are j243 motarola transistors there when you hook the mixer up now it seems to be trying to burn up more things I think I have figured out where the 2 black and 2 green wires go on the power in board but things keep burning up the level indicator lights on 1 channel are spiking the original problem was the 2 10,000 mfd caps opened up if you smacked it on the side it would work for awhile but now my tech has made a bigger mess of it and I don't have alot of money to send it to anyone for them to try and figure out his mess but I'm trying to get it figured out and I really need this piece of equiptment for my 1 man show and my band. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. If anyone has one of these around I could get or has a parts one or an amp module for it. I don't mean to sound so cheap but I just lost my house in a fire and my sound company is going bankrupt do to the economy and the closing of 1 of my major accounts any help would be greatly appreciated.
                    Last edited by the1mannband; 02-17-2009, 05:35 AM.


                    • #11
                      Guys, please start new threads for your amps. This thread died last July.

                      We are not allowed to share schematics.

                      Joe, the mixer and preamp would be the same thing. What exact parts are doing what?

                      the1, if your 18 ohm resistor is burnt then it is almost certain your MJE243 is also. Just go down the rows and check every semiconductor on the board. if one channel remains OK, then use it as a guide. The parts are silk screened onthe board.
                      Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


                      • #12
                        Sorry I'm New Here

                        Thank you enzo and i'm new to this so I did not know how to start a new thread didn't mean to cause any upset.


                        • #13
                          NO upset, you just will get better response with a new thread.

                          On the index page to any of these forums, upper left corner right at the top of the index is a button called NEW THREAD. CLick it.
                          Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.

