Originally posted by nevetslab
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powering pa subwoofers
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Originally posted by bwheat View Post......And you know what, i actually won't post anything else at all in this forum, as i have much better luck just using google.
I'll start by saying I was trying to help. As g1 said, your first post left lots of room trying to figure out specifically what you were after. You gave no specs, no cabinet models, etc. Hell, you didn't even say you were looking for an amp and didn't already have one. I'm not sure why you copped the attitude, but It matters not to me any more. Enjoy your CE1000. You'll soon find out there's a reason they're so cheap. I'll end by adding another to my ignore list. Over and out."I took a photo of my ohm meter... It didn't help." Enzo 8/20/22
Originally posted by The Dude View PostWell,..... that didn't last long.
I'll start by saying I was trying to help. As g1 said, your first post left lots of room trying to figure out specifically what you were after. You gave no specs, no cabinet models, etc. Hell, you didn't even say you were looking for an amp and didn't already have one. I'm not sure why you copped the attitude, but It matters not to me any more. Enjoy your CE1000. You'll soon find out there's a reason they're so cheap. I'll end by adding another to my ignore list. Over and out.
Originally posted by bwheat View PostCoolstory,iamdoingmyresearchrightnowandnotbuyinganything justyet,iamalsolookingatafewothermodelsandlookingatrevie wsbutitwasprettyobviousthatiwaslookingforanampcompatible withmysetupwithouthavingtodoubleitupfromthegetgo.Itiswha titis.Iamsureyouwoulddisapproveofeverysinglepieceofequip mentiownsoiamreallynotworriedaboutyourwayofthinking.Lets putitthiswayiplayedoutforyrs15-20yrsagooncheaperequipmentthanihaverightnow,andhadagoodt imeandeveryoneenjoyedit.Itwasfunandmademeandthepeoplewep layedforhappy.Nowihavealittlenicerequipment,andalotnicer ampthanihaveeverhad,itallworksformeandmakesmehappy.Ibett heAlto1000thatihavepoweringmypeaveyplasticcasedmainsarej ustsotrashyouprobablywouldn'tprobablylookatthemletaloneo wnthem.Iunderstandhowitworkswithalotofpeople,theywantonl ythehighestendstuffmoneycanbuy.Butthepointisthatididn'ta skforanyofthat,iwasaskingmaybeforarecommendationonamodel tolookforthatwouldworkthatsomeonemaybehadexperiencewith. Iwouldthinkyouwouldprobablyofknownthattherearepowerampso uttherethatrunat4ohmsbridgedwithnoproblemwhatsoever.Ithi nkevenknowingwhatmywattagerequirementormodelnumbersofsen sitivitywasreallynotevennecessarytoanswerthequestion.Jus tmaybea2ohmstableampbridgedat4ohmswithsubswiredinparalle lwouldofbeentheeasyanswerhuh.Theverylastsentenceofmyfirs tpostwasveryclear,"Nowmyquestionis,arethereanypowerampso uttherethataren'treallyhighendthatrunat8ohmsinstereo,and 16bridged,orthatwillrun4ohmsbridged.Ihavebeenlookingandh aven'treallyfoundmuchinthatdepartment".Noresponseofyesth ereareplentyofampsthatwillrun4ohmsbridged.Soagainyouobvi ouslydidn'tknowthatorweren'ttryingtobehelpfull.It'sfinet onotknowsomething,thereisnothingwrongwiththatatall.Butpr etendingtoandtalkingaboutthingstotallyoffsubjectaretotal lynotrequiredifyouseewhereiamgoing.Ifiappeartobeanasshol eiguessitisbecausethisishowforumsoperatethesedays,whethe ritbecars,lawnmowers,musicalinstruments,motorcyclerelate d,whateveritisalwaysthesamething.Thereismaybeafewpeoplew illingtochimeinthathaveexperienceandtherestarejustrambli ngjusttoeithergettheirpostcountup,ortofeelimportant.Itis notexclusivetothisone,ithappensonallofthem.Butyouknowwha tthingsweren'talwaysthatway.Iusedtohelprunavehiclespecif icautomotiveforumwithover100kmembersanditwasthemostsucce ssfulofit'stype.Thenumberonerulewasnotpostingthingsthaty ouareunsureabout.Thenumber2wasbeingfriendlytonewpeoplean ddon'ttreatthemliketheyaresome13yearoldkidwhothisistheir firsttimeeverdoingsuchathing.Itworkedverywell,itendedupw ithatonofsearchablehelpfulinformationthatpeoplecanusefor yrstocomebecauseprettymucheveryscenarioorproblemhadbeenc overedandresolved.Itisstillworkinggreattothisday,ihavest eppedawayfromit,butfromthewaythatoperatestothewaythatalo toftheseoperatetodayitisnotappealingtonewpeople.Especial lywhenitisassumedthatallnewpeoplearejustsomenewbiestryin gtobuyallthecheapestjunkandstartagarageband.Takeithowyou wantit,idon'treallycareeitherway.Ifyouhavenoticedwithmyc onversationwithnevetslabiamcapableofbeingcalmandnicetope oplewhoigetthevibearecoolandjustmaybetryingtohelpaguyout alittle.Heunderstoodwhatiwastryingtodoprettyeasily.Butyo uknowiwillrephrasethatfirstpostjusttomakeyouhappysoitism oreunderstandable..
If you go back you will see that our members do not act the way that you are. You have been rude an vague and expect people to know where your going Like we have your thoughts. Get over yourself The members you insult are senior and knowledgeable members ask nevetslab he will tell you I'm sure that your acting overboard. You came here wanting help not the other way around. So step back and cool off and may you find the answers you seek. But be sure of one thing members here know of more than one way to skin a cat and have done so.
nosajsoldering stuff that's broken, breaking stuff that works, Yeah!
Originally posted by nosaj View PostIf you go back you will see that our members do not act the way that you are. You have been rude an vague and expect people to know where your going Like we have your thoughts. Get over yourself The members you insult are senior and knowledgeable members ask nevetslab he will tell you I'm sure that your acting overboard. You came here wanting help not the other way around. So step back and cool off and may you find the answers you seek. But be sure of one thing members here know of more than one way to skin a cat and have done so.
Reasonable is Not the way you are acting. It sounds more or less you need to go talk to a sales guy to sell you what you want since you don't know.
but having a tantrum here is not the way to get help. As I said there are many ways to do things and if you ask a group of people you get what you get, you don't get to dictate how they can respond to you. If you don't like it, leave it will be your loss not ours...
nosajsoldering stuff that's broken, breaking stuff that works, Yeah!
Originally posted by nosaj View PostReasonable is Not the way you are acting. It sounds more or less you need to go talk to a sales guy to sell you what you want since you don't know.
but having a tantrum here is not the way to get help. As I said there are many ways to do things and if you ask a group of people you get what you get, you don't get to dictate how they can respond to you. If you don't like it, leave it will be your loss not ours...
Originally posted by bwheat View PostIf someone would just delete my post's and my account than i'd proudly never come back ever again. Who has the power to do such a thing?
I could delete your posts but I'd rather leave them.
nosajsoldering stuff that's broken, breaking stuff that works, Yeah!
Well if you want to interpret everything that way...
But this was just a conversation that didn't satisfy you, it will fade away on its own. It stands as an example of how not to get along online. There is no particular evidence of your actual identity, just an online name. Neither you nor I "own" our own posts here.
I would point out to you that when you come to a new place to post, no one there will know you, so no one here has any knowledge of what you may have done the last 25 years, or the last 25 minutes for that matter. It takes time and effort to determine what you are really asking for, what you really need.Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.
I’m fresh out of magic bullets.. lol. With a subwoofer its probably is a good idea not to operate it at the maximum current draw. When an SS amp will take a 4 ohm load (and a lot of amps will suffer 2 ohms) and is usually paired with an 8 ohm load, the 4 ohm rating is so it won’t blow up if someone hooks up a second speaker. I don’t understand what the fuss is about. You just buy enough power for the job.
Originally posted by Enzo View PostWell if you want to interpret everything that way...
But this was just a conversation that didn't satisfy you, it will fade away on its own. It stands as an example of how not to get along online. There is no particular evidence of your actual identity, just an online name. Neither you nor I "own" our own posts here.
I would point out to you that when you come to a new place to post, no one there will know you, so no one here has any knowledge of what you may have done the last 25 years, or the last 25 minutes for that matter. It takes time and effort to determine what you are really asking for, what you really need.
Originally posted by bwheat View PostMy budget is buying something used that will work for the application. The 2 ohm stable bridged to 4 ohms was another option i had found searching a little bit ago, as well as the class h power amps which produce the same power at 4 or 8 ohms, those are rather expensive though. My system isn't super high end, so buying a 600 dollar amp is not an option. The 2 ohm stable or, 2 smaller amp's bridged seem like probably what i will end up with. I am on a budget, so a lot of my stuff is used stuff that i happen to come across other than my mixer and rack case. So based on what i have bought and some of the prices on used stuff on guitarcenter, and other places probably 100-200 is where i would be at for a used one. Remember, i am a guy getting back into this after not gigging for 10 yrs, so i just need something to add some low end to my setup that i have, not a super high end setup. I can always upgrade down the road if you know what i mean. I am not looking to buy like berhinger or anything cheap like that, i'd love another alto if they were 2 ohm stable as those put out good clean power. Gc has a lot of used brand name's that aren't trash for real good prices, but have no specs on any of it, so that is why i made the post hoping someone had come across something like this in the past, or had something currently like that and could tell me the model number and i could wait until one popped up, instead of going thru all the stuff on their site and emailing different stores to get me specs on what they have.
All I can say is browbeating everyone because everyone is not on the same page will only result in repercussions. Cool it off stop whining an get back on topic.
You have been warned.
nosajsoldering stuff that's broken, breaking stuff that works, Yeah!