thx Leo!
yes, I am lucky to have a VARIABLE ISOLATED TRANSFORMER and when installing new MAIN / BIG CAPS I always start with no load, volume to zero and set the transformer to 40 VAC. Leave it there for about 30 sec and then slowly increase to 80 VAC for another 30 sec and finally to 120 VAC.
Exactly that, I have a couple of 8 Ohm loads
Your step by step description is reassuring and I appreciate it!
I have looked "crossover distortion" up to make sure I know what I am looking for in the scope (attaching for future reference as many inexperienced people could find it useful)
yes, I am lucky to have a VARIABLE ISOLATED TRANSFORMER and when installing new MAIN / BIG CAPS I always start with no load, volume to zero and set the transformer to 40 VAC. Leave it there for about 30 sec and then slowly increase to 80 VAC for another 30 sec and finally to 120 VAC.
Exactly that, I have a couple of 8 Ohm loads
Your step by step description is reassuring and I appreciate it!
I have looked "crossover distortion" up to make sure I know what I am looking for in the scope (attaching for future reference as many inexperienced people could find it useful)
