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  • JVC AX-44

    JVC AX-44, I would like to know how Speaker Switch A/B works in it.
    I'd like to buy a JVC AX-44, I've heard good comments about it.
    I have 4 speakers to install in a ceiling, I would like to install 2 in the living room area and 2 in my office room that is located at the end of the house.
    1. Can I switch between the speakers at the living room area to the office area and vice-verse?
    2. Can use all of them at the same time?
    I don't know how the Switch works on the JVX AX-44 works.

  • #2
    FYI: Yes, the amp can produce sound to two separate sets of speakers, so that you can run cables from the amp to another room and then play the speakers in your living room and office at the same time. Or you can play just one room and not the other.


    • #3
      Yes, itīs designed for that, to switch between, say, living room speakers and a pair in another room or outside.

      Read your user manual, many amps allow Set A - Set B - A+B (all at the same time)

      Since impedance varies when connecting many speakers, sometimes a cergtain impedance is needed, such as no lower than 8 ohm each, so total does not go below 4 ohm, in other cases speakers are connected in series, to play it safer.

      Again,read the user manual.

      EDIT: just found real panel picture:It was option A:
      If you want to use both sets of speakers at the same time (local and remote), they must be 8 or 16 ohm each, clearly to avoid going below 4 ohm combined.

      If using a single pair, each side *can* be 4 ohm.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	2568633-602ebb7f-jvc-ax-44.jpg
Views:	690
Size:	108.7 KB
ID:	913965
      Last edited by J M Fahey; 09-21-2020, 07:42 PM.
      Juan Manuel Fahey


      • #4
        Thanks JMF.

