I have a PVi6500 in for repair that took a lightning hit. I am able to get the signal to pass thru each front input. The problem I am noticing is that after about 20-30 seconds of being powered on, I'll get a small pop sound out of the speaker every 5 seconds or so. This is making me think something is charging up, then reaches a breakpoint so it discharges and repeats.
I pulled the back panel and did not see any obvious signs of components being burned.
Looking at the schematic, I have solid +50V on D19K and -50V on D22A. I have +40V on D19A (+HIGH) and -40V on D22K (-HIGH). When the pop sound occurs, the plus and minus HIGH signals take a brief hit on my meter and recover. My +15V and -15V are solid.
I've attached both the power amp and main schematic. I'm thinking the problem is related to the power amp circuity, but am trying to understand the circuit better before continuing. Any guidance offered is appreciated. Thanks!
I pulled the back panel and did not see any obvious signs of components being burned.
Looking at the schematic, I have solid +50V on D19K and -50V on D22A. I have +40V on D19A (+HIGH) and -40V on D22K (-HIGH). When the pop sound occurs, the plus and minus HIGH signals take a brief hit on my meter and recover. My +15V and -15V are solid.
I've attached both the power amp and main schematic. I'm thinking the problem is related to the power amp circuity, but am trying to understand the circuit better before continuing. Any guidance offered is appreciated. Thanks!