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Behringer iNUKE 3000 red light of death

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  • Behringer iNUKE 3000 red light of death

    Hi there,

    got a used iNUKE off eBay the other day, was working great. Came in a flight case that swivelled shut while I was using it without me realising, blocking the airflow and resulting in what I assume to have been overheating. Fuse blown and red light of death on.

    I've opened the inside to find a ceramic safety capacitor blown (C8), which I've replaced but the amplifier still does not work. Was hoping someone could give me some pointers as to components I could test and replace? I can read basic circuit diagrams but these schematics are quite overwhelming haha.

    I've marked the broken cap on the schematics here: (the forum keeps telling me the image is corrupted)

    The link to the full schematics is here.

    Thank you for your time and help!! I'd really appreciate any tips, just bought this amp so I'd be gutted if that was the last of it.


  • #2
    The power supply on this unit is an SMPS type.
    Unless you have have a good handle on these I would not advise working on it.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Jazz P Bass View Post
      The power supply on this unit is an SMPS type.
      Unless you have have a good handle on these I would not advise working on it.
      I would expect the voltage after the bridge rectifier is about 350V DC, so definitely dangerous. If that is OK then you get into the switchmode driver (datasheets on this model seem pretty light on info), a 555 timer chip to enable it, and a bunch of failure/protection modes that aren't clear...

