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Peavey Minx II Bass amp transformer replacement questions
As I guessed, both power amps are "basically the same"
Older Envoy is discrete, newer Minx 2 uses anLM3886 but both use same +/-30 ish V supply, same 8 ohm speaker impedance and put out same power out.
Like a certain Enzo once said: "the amplifier is just that thingie between power supply and speaker"
The useful part of this is that they must certainly be able to exchange power transformers, that widens the field to cannibalize a PT from an otherwise dead amplifier.
Maybe even a PT recycled from a similar power (30/40 W per channel) corner dumpster grade home/Hi Fi amp.
Hi Guys, I answered the dimensions , its 70mm L (red arrow) x 70mm W(yellow arrow) x 60mm H (green arrow). The lamination thickness is 35mm. Also, under the AC plug is the on/off rocker switch no no space under there either
You had answered A and B but not C, which is lamination thickness (check my drawing again).
You had posted plastic bobbin dimensions instead.
Ok, then your PT is good for up to 65VA ,so comfortable with expected 50VA load (35W RMS power amp).
Peavey is always conservative with ratings , one reason they last so long.
NOW we need same dimensions from your new/found transformer, to see whether itīs large enough or not. Iīm talking:
I just sourced locally another transformer 54VCT (27-0-27), but I'm not sure of the output current, Would that voltage be excessive and would 2A be the Max I can use?
So by your drawing.., A=70mm, B=60mm, C=35mm. The other transformer I sourced is much smaller and just won't do. I have to keep looking in local electronic surplus stores to see if I can find a cheap, suitable one.
Now you know what matters, even more than whatīs printed in labels or even worse missing ones or showing some mystery number.
Go search surplus tables or even ask some friendly tech with a well supplied boneyard, you need same or slightly lower voltage because +/-35 DC volts rails are just at the top edge for LM3886 so 25+25VAC (or 50VAC CT , same thing) or less and core should measure or weigh same or slightly more.
No magic here, transformers must obey same physics Laws.
Or if you are somewhat in a hurry, just get a "100VA" step up transformer and call it a day.
Why "100" ???
Because cheap Chinese available everywhere ones are .... ummm .... "optimistic", tend to overheat,etc., give it some breathing space.