If I suspect a tube being a problem at stage volume, I put a loop in the amp & check it at stage volume. And even then I will always try it in a "function" slot before trashing it.
Power tubes are more problematic obviously; the other ones I have a lot of issues are tubes made for switching. Usually those are the 4-digit "industrial " types where the specs SEEM "identical" to a 12AX7, 12AT7, or 12AY7. But if you plug it in an amp, it's terrible. I've learned to check the datasheet for the particular type instead of trusting a vendor who says it's a direct substitute for a 12A_7. 5814s as 12AU7s I recall being especially problematic.
Power tubes are more problematic obviously; the other ones I have a lot of issues are tubes made for switching. Usually those are the 4-digit "industrial " types where the specs SEEM "identical" to a 12AX7, 12AT7, or 12AY7. But if you plug it in an amp, it's terrible. I've learned to check the datasheet for the particular type instead of trusting a vendor who says it's a direct substitute for a 12A_7. 5814s as 12AU7s I recall being especially problematic.