I'm wondering if anyone has a recommendation as to what could be put into an Orange OR80. It keeps eating tubes because it's putting around 520 on the plates. The plates *aren't glowing red, but the grids are when the amps cranked (which the person usually has it full volume)... to try and help the tubes, I put in a large 2k chassis mount resistor in series with the two grid stoppers (2.2K's)... seemed to help the tubes a bit and they lasted longer than previous tubes, but it probably needs a bit more resistance to stop the glowing grids. The Winged C's I put in eventually gave out and catastrophically failed
If anyone has any idea as to a good strong EL34 that could withstand this beast of an amp, your suggestions are appreciated. I'm going to increase the resistance for the grids sake, but I still think it's a fairly harsh environment.
If anyone has any idea as to a good strong EL34 that could withstand this beast of an amp, your suggestions are appreciated. I'm going to increase the resistance for the grids sake, but I still think it's a fairly harsh environment.