Originally posted by The Dude
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Why We Prefer JJ Tubes (A letter from Eurotubes to TGP) [Archive] - The Gear Page
Builders & Retailers Forum on The Gear Page kicks JJ/Eurotubes every which way, from praise to slagging. And if our friend bob p reads the TGP thread, well buddy you better have a well chilled giant economy size icebag strapped to your head because you will just about blow your top. Only a couple comments into the thread and Euro's 'preferential treatment' starts to get a mention. (One correspondent even mentions "illegal" never mind unethical.) Mentioned quite a few times - good JJ's can be had from Euro, and other suppliers not so much. Note I never said unethical or illegal on this forum or anywhere, and if one distro gets the "cream of the crop" then why not buy from them? I don't see anything wrong with that at all. That it's taking us so long to figure it out... well at least in mid 2008 the TGP folks had it mostly figured out. And from a read of Bob 'Eurotubes' Pletka "Trip to Slovakia" story, OK he's NOT a relative of JJ's boss. Giving some "hometown advantage" to a fellow countryman, it's common and I don't have any problem with it - whether it's Bratislava Bronx Brisbane Brunei Bangalore or wherever. It's human nature. People will do that & you can't stop 'em. Heck, unless it's insider stock trading, there's no penalty and "the law" AFAIK doesn't demand "fair and balanced" trade amongst private companies. If I'm wrong, set me straight.
Bottom line Dude & others, if you like JJ, looks like you oughta get 'em from Eurotubes. Worth a try anyway. I'm going to try that route myself soon come. Them what don't like it, put it in your pipe & smoke it & have a nice day.