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6L6 Build Suggestions

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  • 6L6 Build Suggestions

    I just acquired a 2x6L6 chassis from a dead Baldwin organ (basically transformers and tubes)
    and I'm trying to decide what to build out of it -- looking for suggestions.

    I have an AA864 Bassman head which I really like, so I was initially thinking of building a normal-channel only
    AA864 and then possibly selling off the vintage one. Bet I could fit that really nicely into a Princeton chassis
    and build a head cabinet for it..

    BUT, there are lots of lots of proven 40-50 watt 6L6 circuits out there..

    I'd maybe like to have a master volume (switchable in/out of the circuit).
    My goal is versatility -- clean at fairly high volume and crunch on tap.

    Ideas..? Suggestions? What would YOU build..?

  • #2
    Best to try and work out what the transformer characteristics are.
    There seems to be 4 in the photo - any idea what they all are?
    Last edited by pdf64; 12-11-2014, 05:38 PM.
    My band:-


    • #3
      Originally posted by pdf64 View Post
      Best to try and work out what the transformer characteristics are.
      Any idea what they all are?
      Like Pdf64 said try to figure out what you have, even if youre not going to try to clone an amp/circuit. Is the out tranny health? Choke or no choke? Etc..

      How was/is the stuff placed in the chassis?
      In this forum everyone is entitled to my opinion.


      • #4
        Originally posted by pdf64 View Post
        Best to try and work out what the transformer characteristics are.
        There seems to be 4 in the photo - any idea what they all are?
        Here's what I've got (Left to right in the picture):

        The PT B+ is 525v on my 127v wall voltage. So, roughly 260-0-260. Current shouldn't be a problem, I wouldn't think.
        It's got 4v, 5v and 10v heater taps..

        The OT is healthy, has a 19.5:1 winding ratio, so roughly 6100 primary impedance with a 16 ohm secondary load.

        There's that choke - I haven't done any testing on that.

        Lastly, on the right unknown three-wire transformer-looking thing. Yellow wire on one side, green and black on the other..(?)

        As far as that giant PT, if I diode rectify I can get around 360vdc to the power tube plates. None of my speakers are 16ohm and none of my cabs are wired that way. Unless there are tube compliments that want to see around 3k primary impedance, then the OT will have to wait.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_20141213_155120_zps2275793d.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	76.0 KB
ID:	836190


        • #5
          Fender ran a pair of 6L6's at about 4.2k ohms primary,so I wouldnt hesitate to use an 8ohm spkr with that OT.You have no 6v winding on the power transformer?


          • #6
            It sounds like a meter issue. I'm betting the actual secondary volts are 5, 6.3, 12.6, and maybe higher than 525 CT.


            • #7
              Measurement Procedure..?

              Originally posted by okcrum View Post
              It sounds like a meter issue. I'm betting the actual secondary volts are 5, 6.3, 12.6, and maybe higher than 525 CT.
              I just got a new meter, so I will measure again. I certainly understand that 5, 6.3, 12.6 would make more sense, and why.

              As far as measurement procedure, I don't have access to a variac. To measure, I just (carefully) plugged the PT to the
              wall AC and (carefully) and methodically measured across each pair of secondaries.

              Is this wrong / stupid / dangerous..?

