OK another update.
Whist testing the diodes with the battery voltage running throught the circuit, and the multimeter set to the diode function,all the diodes give a reading of around 700 in one direction and "OL" in the other.... apart from ONE diode, a which looks like a DIAC (very small , clear shell with an orange centre, with a yellow band round the outside). The diode about the IN, OUT and GND, gives a reading of 0.64 in one direction and about 0.75 in the other direction.
Does this mean that this diode is shorted?
Whist testing the diodes with the battery voltage running throught the circuit, and the multimeter set to the diode function,all the diodes give a reading of around 700 in one direction and "OL" in the other.... apart from ONE diode, a which looks like a DIAC (very small , clear shell with an orange centre, with a yellow band round the outside). The diode about the IN, OUT and GND, gives a reading of 0.64 in one direction and about 0.75 in the other direction.
Does this mean that this diode is shorted?