Hi guys just wondering which Distortion pedal is best the Boss MT-2 Metal zone or the Boss DS-2 DS2 Turbo Distortion Im just wondering becuase i really need some more distortion to play things like Metallica,A7x E.t.c thanks
Hi guys just wondering which Distortion pedal is best the Boss MT-2 Metal zone or the Boss DS-2 DS2 Turbo Distortion Im just wondering becuase i really need some more distortion to play things like Metallica,A7x E.t.c thanks
I don't like either too much. Check out the Guyatone Metal Monster. There are some videos on youtube. I have three of them I like it so much.
I have a great mod for you. You drill an extra hole in the case of your distortion pedal and put in a 100K linear pot. On the outside, you install a good looking knob on the pot shaft and under the knob letter it with
Amazing!! Who would ever have guessed that someone who villified the evil rich people would begin happily accepting their millions in speaking fees!
If you're a bedroom rocker, then the MT-2 will do just fine. I hate the sound of them, but they're not horrid. I've been a fan of Line6 stuff for solid bedroom metal sounds. But... if you really want those sounds, you need a high gain tube amp.
I wouldn't get either of those if I were you. MXR makes really nice pedals at reasonable prices. The Zakk Wylde (Even though I hate signature things) is definitely spot on for metal, and I would take MXR over Boss any day. The other guy that said Guyatone, yeah I agree with that as well, Guyatone makes some solid pedals. Also check out the EMMA Pisdiyauwot... (thats the best choice if you can afford it, they cost about $240.00 though) I don't know if it is out yet, but all of the other EMMA pedals have been nothing short of Bad Ass! And there all hand built in Denmark, so I know their built to a high quality standard both Sweden and Norway are know for their craftsmanship world wide.