I've made a Mu Doubler as found on the Geofex site, using 2N5457 JFETs
Mu Doubler
These JFETs are listed in the article as being suitable for the circuit, but i'm struggling to get anything like the test values mentioned.
I've checked the Vgs of the JFETs using the JFET matcher found here
I'm using a TL072 for the opamp.
"Get JFETs with Vgs on the matcher of 3V or less. 1 to 2 volts is ideal"
the 2N5457s i've got are mostly reading around about the -0.4v mark on the JFET matcher. The highest Vgs of all the 2N5457s i've got is about -0.8v
I've used a few that have well matched Vgs - Q4 -0.347v, Q3 -0.346v, Q2 -0.360v, Q1 -0.409v; are these going to be any use?
I'm not noticing an octave up effect through the circuit, seems more like just a straight boost/mild distortion - but I have no idea how to bias the JFETs...
From the article - "You can adapt this to many JFETs by changing the value of R3 to get the source voltage to between 1.5 and 3V"
Reading voltage from the Q1 source to ground I can't seem to get close to this voltage, regardless of what resistors i choose.
From the article - "The signal canceling pair are biased by the 510 ohm resistor. You should see something lik 1.5V to 1.9V at the joined sources of Q3 and Q4"
Taking a reading between this point and ground i'm getting nothing like 1.5-1.9v, more like 0.5. Changing the resistor from 0.5K all the way up to 4.7K only pushes it up to about 0.7v. Am I still looking for 1.5-1.9 with these JFETs?
Which pair of JFETs are the most important to match closely? do I want to get my 0.347-0.346 pair in the Q2-3 slots or the Q3-4 slots for best results?
Are the JFETs i'm using unsuitable? Or do I just need to bias them properly?
Mu Doubler
These JFETs are listed in the article as being suitable for the circuit, but i'm struggling to get anything like the test values mentioned.
I've checked the Vgs of the JFETs using the JFET matcher found here
I'm using a TL072 for the opamp.
"Get JFETs with Vgs on the matcher of 3V or less. 1 to 2 volts is ideal"
the 2N5457s i've got are mostly reading around about the -0.4v mark on the JFET matcher. The highest Vgs of all the 2N5457s i've got is about -0.8v
I've used a few that have well matched Vgs - Q4 -0.347v, Q3 -0.346v, Q2 -0.360v, Q1 -0.409v; are these going to be any use?
I'm not noticing an octave up effect through the circuit, seems more like just a straight boost/mild distortion - but I have no idea how to bias the JFETs...
From the article - "You can adapt this to many JFETs by changing the value of R3 to get the source voltage to between 1.5 and 3V"
Reading voltage from the Q1 source to ground I can't seem to get close to this voltage, regardless of what resistors i choose.
From the article - "The signal canceling pair are biased by the 510 ohm resistor. You should see something lik 1.5V to 1.9V at the joined sources of Q3 and Q4"
Taking a reading between this point and ground i'm getting nothing like 1.5-1.9v, more like 0.5. Changing the resistor from 0.5K all the way up to 4.7K only pushes it up to about 0.7v. Am I still looking for 1.5-1.9 with these JFETs?
Which pair of JFETs are the most important to match closely? do I want to get my 0.347-0.346 pair in the Q2-3 slots or the Q3-4 slots for best results?
Are the JFETs i'm using unsuitable? Or do I just need to bias them properly?