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Tube wah: Is it worth it?

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  • Tube wah: Is it worth it?

    I have never tried a tube wah, but have read some reviews on them and would appreciate some feedback on this subject, as I am considering building one. I figure the electronic minds on this sight are a great place to inquire. My main concern is the tone obviously, and how the fragile tube makes a dramiatic difference or not... Has anyone tried one? If so, are they reliable.
    Last edited by ERB; 06-29-2010, 05:40 PM.

  • #2
    Ask yourself what it is that people like about tubes.

    1) Input impedance of tube circuits.

    2) How they respond when overdriven.

    Okay, do you crave crystalline highs from your wah? Do you normally stick your wah somewhere in the pedal chain where it would be overdriven?

    If the answer to those is "No", then I suggest your curiosity about tube-based wahs has now been sated.

    They aren't bad, but there was never really a great need for them. To my mind, they exist simply as a proof of concept; the same way somebody thought it would be a great idea to have a tube-based sound card inside your computer.


    • #3
      I have a tube based wah up on my web site, GEOFEX. I've built one, largely out of curiousity, as Mark aptly notes. Since I've had it up there, several people have written to me saying they've built one from the plans, and the general result is that they are happy with the result.

      That being said, the tone is slightly but not hugely different from a solid state one. In the case of the one I "designed", the input impedance is not hugely higher than a solid state wah, largely because I replicated the Vox circuit as closely as possible using vacuum tubes. That circuit has an input impedance that's modest (47K to 68K, about) because of the way the circuit works, not the active devices. So you don't get the super-high-input-impedance sparkle. I think mine is a little sweeter sounding, but that could well be subjective.

      So, build one if you're curious and have the time and money. Don't do it because you believe that anything with a tube in it is the Holy Grail of tone. Maybe you'll love it. Maybe it'll be ho-hum.
      Amazing!! Who would ever have guessed that someone who villified the evil rich people would begin happily accepting their millions in speaking fees!

      Oh, wait! That sounds familiar, somehow.


      • #4
        Thank you for your replies. I have decided to go with a full-tone wah and stick with that, really... for I have read great things about them, and you are right. There isnt a need for it and I feel embarrassed for assuming a tube would be needed when I will indeed be placing in the chain where it will (for the most part) be overdriven, so thank you again. Some day there will be a perfect wah, but I do realize tone-sucking is the nature of the beast when it comes to wahs and most vintage stomps.

        Cheers, ERB


        • #5
          No need for embarrassment. At least you were wise enough to pause for a moment and wonder if it was worth it. Many would not have done that.

