Hi guys, I have the following problem:
When using my Morley Pro Series II Wah pedal, I start to get problems with audible crackles and pops through the amp, clearly caused by electrical items that come on elsewhere in the building. Worst thing is, after a loud pop when an appliance comes on, the wah pedal keeps making a loud hiss -while guitar signal drops below this noise level- until I step on the footswitch of the wah. It makes no difference whether I'm using a regulated 9V DC power adapter with it, or run the pedal off a battery. The problem is gone when I don't use the wah, i.e. guitar directly into amp or through other stompboxes.
Some possibly useful info:
- I use the pedal in between my guitar and amp, not in the fx loop
- Morley wah pedals buffer the guitar signal (in both 'on' and 'bypass' mode)
- The Hughes & Kettner 50W combo amp is run off an ungrounded mains sockets mostly (I live in a historic building with, unfortunately, very few grounded power outlets)
- The wah pedal power supply is not grounded (battery or 9V dc wall-wart)
- I use a strat and a les paul; no pre-amps on my guitars
Is it possible that a peak or dip in the amp mains makes it through the instrument cable into the pedal and somehow 'upsets' the buffer in the wah pedal?
I like the sound of this wah pedal and I also like that it has a buffer (being the first pedal in my chain). So, if there is a doable fix, I would prefer that over swapping wah pedal types and hoping for the best. Also, I'd really like to understand what's going on here.
Thanks for your time. Let me know if I can provide more useful info. Any help would be much appreciated!
When using my Morley Pro Series II Wah pedal, I start to get problems with audible crackles and pops through the amp, clearly caused by electrical items that come on elsewhere in the building. Worst thing is, after a loud pop when an appliance comes on, the wah pedal keeps making a loud hiss -while guitar signal drops below this noise level- until I step on the footswitch of the wah. It makes no difference whether I'm using a regulated 9V DC power adapter with it, or run the pedal off a battery. The problem is gone when I don't use the wah, i.e. guitar directly into amp or through other stompboxes.
Some possibly useful info:
- I use the pedal in between my guitar and amp, not in the fx loop
- Morley wah pedals buffer the guitar signal (in both 'on' and 'bypass' mode)
- The Hughes & Kettner 50W combo amp is run off an ungrounded mains sockets mostly (I live in a historic building with, unfortunately, very few grounded power outlets)
- The wah pedal power supply is not grounded (battery or 9V dc wall-wart)
- I use a strat and a les paul; no pre-amps on my guitars
Is it possible that a peak or dip in the amp mains makes it through the instrument cable into the pedal and somehow 'upsets' the buffer in the wah pedal?
I like the sound of this wah pedal and I also like that it has a buffer (being the first pedal in my chain). So, if there is a doable fix, I would prefer that over swapping wah pedal types and hoping for the best. Also, I'd really like to understand what's going on here.
Thanks for your time. Let me know if I can provide more useful info. Any help would be much appreciated!
