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Building an effect for a korg PME 40x modular unit.

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  • Building an effect for a korg PME 40x modular unit.

    Hi Everyone,

    This is my 1st time on this site,but I used to post a bit on the old ampage forum a decade or so ago.

    I've seen people with the modules for these rig up a switch and Pwr supply to use these without the main board but has anyone ever done the opposite:built an effect to suit the main board of the units.

    I imagine from scratch it would be extremely hard to source a box that would fit the main board,especially where the connector goes in but if one was to get a module eg: the distortion or overdrive and build a fuzz pedal from it.

    Has anyone ever done it? Off the top of my head I don't see too many problems but in practice it may be different.


  • #2
    I don't have the PME system, but I have a Waveshaper module from the series. The intent was to rehouse it as a stompbox. The units use a fairly standard type socket system, whose pinouts I couldn't tell you off the top of my head, but I'm sure they are posted around somewhere. Worse case scenario, I'll try and find them on my unit. The switching is not on the units themselves, so the pins carry in, out, power and gnd. I don't know if any of them use bipolar power. My module uses what appears to be +9v (maybe its +12V) and that's it.

    So, in theory, if you have a PME system chassis, and can located some blank cases that will provide a secure fit, sure, it should be feasible.


    • #3
      Thanks for your post, and thanks for remembering me.

      I wish there was more information available about these things. A schematic for the Octave V and the Distortion Wah would be nice to see. Heck, I'd settle for a schematic from just about any of the PME modules.
      Last edited by Mark Hammer; 10-11-2012, 01:36 AM.


      • #4
        an old post in the archine from Mr Hammer
        KORG PME-40X MODULE HELP?? - AMPAGE Archive

        If it is only power, and in & out, then any effect can be built to add in, as long as it can run from 15V

        all 11 effects schematics here, but not for free


        • #5
          I think something happened to this thread.My reply to Mark's reply has gone and instead it's Mark's reply.
          Anyway,I'm a step closer to getting some more modules and the guy who has them has a blank filler box for them,which is very good.Might be able to fashion something out of it.The main problem I can see is the connection from the module into the PME system.



          • #6
            I accidentally overwrote Matt's post by hitting "edit post" instead of "reply". Not sure why exactly I have that right, not unless it is something accompanying "senior member" status. I hate when that happens. Sorry, Matt.


            • #7
              I tried this and built a tremolo into a filler box, the 8pin socket was mounted on a breadboard no problem and everything worked fine, except that I could not turn off the effect! The switching is not done off the module as you would expect, which is a shame as I do have a couple of filler boxes that I was going to use. The LED indicator did work though, just to confuse things further.


              • #8
                OK,so it might be a little harder than I first thought.I might have to open up one of my modules and study the circuit.
                I was successful in getting 4 more modules (Overdrive,Graphic EQ,Phaser and Flanger) and a filler box
                Probably will be a while before I tackle it but will post the results when I do.


                • #9
                  IT's been a few months so I figured I'd cast my rod into the lake once more and see if anything bites.

                  Anybody have a schematic for any of the modules in the Korg PME-40X system. Um, that would be any of the modules apart from the KFB-001 blank filler unit. I've been able to figure that one out myself....pretty much.


                  • #10
                    I think the problem we have here is that it's a rare effects unit to begin with, and not many people are willing to mess about with them once they have one. I built my failed tremolo project into a die cast housing and gave up on modifying the PME 40x, just not enough information out there.


                    • #11
                      I am selling one of these right now. Everything MINT NOS! Check it out: Mint Korg PME 40x 2 Modules Still in Box New Vintage Modular Stereo Effects | eBay

                      Send me a message with offers or questions.

                      (edit: spelling)

