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Boss BD-2 Bluesdriver doesn't work anymore

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  • Boss BD-2 Bluesdriver doesn't work anymore

    Hi everybody,

    my old Boss BD-2 just failed. Plugged-In, the signal goes through when the pedal is off.
    Pedal on, the LED lights up, but no sound. If I turn all 3 potis full up, I can hear e very quiet (distorted) sound.
    Playing around with the Level- and Tone-pots, I can also realise the differents as it should be, when the pedal works straight.
    I not sure regarding the Gain-poti, because I can only hear a sound, when Gain is full up.

    Before the Bluedriver failed, the Gain-Poti made some crackling noise, when turned.

    I have already resolderd and checked the 2 multibraid(s) connecting the pcb with the potentiometer and also measured the "Gain" double-poti.
    The diode D2 looked kind of have becoming very hot (might have been be only dust/dirt), so I replaced it with a 1n4002.

    Still no progress.

    I only have a multimeter but no oszilloscop.

    Any ideas what might be wrong ?

    Thank you for any comments,

    Best regards


  • #2
    Not a simple circuit.

    You need to use a meter set to read Vac.

    Hit a note on the guitar & see if you have any signal on VR2.
    If it is there, then check the output pin (7) of the opamp.
    If it is not there, then install a new IC.

    The Free Information Society - Boss BD2 Electronic Circuit Schematic


    • #3
      Thank you for this instruction, Jazz P Bass .

      The IC was definetly faulty, I changed it and tested again. There was more sound, but still not very good.
      So I changed C10, D1 and D3 and also both multibraids.

      Now it works perfectly again !!

      Best regards


