I need help with a cs505 I recently picked up.
First, the diode on the DC input jack and the DC regulator were blown. Seems someone connected a high power wrong polarity power supply. With the regulator bypassed there's only chorus on one of the two outputs (white wire), the other output (grey and green wire) has only the dry signal with the effect turned on. Theres also a slight distortion on the fx signal. The LED doensn't light with the effect turned on. The bypass works fine.
I have the schematics fpr the cs9 and cs5, but they don't really help because the cs505 is quite different in the output section. The white-wire-output seems to be like on the cs9, but the grey-wire-output is not. (no green wire on the cs9)
Does anyone have a schematic for the 505? Ibanez experts out there?
Thank you
I need help with a cs505 I recently picked up.
First, the diode on the DC input jack and the DC regulator were blown. Seems someone connected a high power wrong polarity power supply. With the regulator bypassed there's only chorus on one of the two outputs (white wire), the other output (grey and green wire) has only the dry signal with the effect turned on. Theres also a slight distortion on the fx signal. The LED doensn't light with the effect turned on. The bypass works fine.
I have the schematics fpr the cs9 and cs5, but they don't really help because the cs505 is quite different in the output section. The white-wire-output seems to be like on the cs9, but the grey-wire-output is not. (no green wire on the cs9)
Does anyone have a schematic for the 505? Ibanez experts out there?
Thank you