I've just made a treble boost pedal utilizing the Vox circuit. After finding the sound was too toppy I changed the 500p input cap to 4n7 which sounds much better to my ears. I also included a 100K pot on the output as per schematic mods. On the in-between sounds of the neck and middle pickup, it sounds great, but when I use the bridge pickup it distorts - as mentioned on the schematic when the cap value is changed. I've been told that the problem is probably due to the bias being changed due to the change of cap, ie., lets thru more bass which overloads the booster. The biasing resistors are 100k, +v to tx base and 22k, tx base to earth. Can someone please advise if biasing is the problem, and what I should change the value of these resistors to, so I get a clean sound when using any pickup?