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Klemt echolette S hum issue

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  • Klemt echolette S hum issue

    Hi everybody
    I'like to have your help because I'm so lost.
    I own a Klemt echolette since one years. I buy it in very bad shape and restore it by changing all caps. Now it 's working quite good and the preamp is so wonderfull !!!
    But I still have an issue that I can find the solution.
    The direct sound is very clean, no noise. But when I increase reverb control knob, hum start to appears and increase as much as you increase this knob.
    The frequency of the hum is 50hz and 150hz. If I remove tube 3 there less hum but it still increase with the pot. But when I remove tube 4 there is no hum (and no echo of course)
    I'm a beginner in electronic so I haven't so much stuff to test (just a multimeter)
    If somebody can help me it's will be wonderfull
    Thanks very much an sorry if my english is not so good.
    Last edited by manulaf; 04-09-2015, 10:46 AM.

  • #2
    Hi, have you adjusted R76 which is the heater filament hum cancel control. It should be located between valves 1 & 2 and is called "Entbrummer" in German. Cheers, Mickey

