Originally posted by Mark Hammer
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I remember the first time I experienced that, back in the 70s. Mangione was big back then, and we were performing Feels So Good on a dark theatrical stage. Our guitarist was a big fan of Grant Geissman. For that performance he surprised us all with his brand-new stereo Bi-Phase with slaves without warning us about it. It was completely dark, except for a few dim colored lights that started pulsing for his solo. As the lights start pulling he stepped on that Bi-Phase and I got hit with total loss of balance and I felt like I was going to fall off of the stage. It was so disorienting that I could barely play my bass. If you've ever experienced this sort of thing with dual phasors in stereo then you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. For me, it only overwhelmed me the first time I was exposed to it. Once I learned how to process the signals I was OK, but the first time it was extremely disorienting. Almost 50 years later I still remember the impact of that moment. It was like losing my dual-phasor virginity.
Somebody needs to market a repro Bi-Phase stompbox. I'd buy one in a heartbeat.