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Biasing transistors VS lowering the voltage on the transistor

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  • #16
    Maybe RG needs to re-read it or re-write it to make it more clear so people can comprehend it better why keep it so hidden and secret RG?
    For underbiased maybe go to your nearest reference library and try to find references to "shot noise", think of rain on a tin roof vs. a few drops of rain on a tin roof. The idea is that when it rains heavily you hear the rain, when it's just occasional spots you hear the roof ringing. Might be something in it - I've never been sure. Germanium will definitely "ring" differently to silicon, but the theories behind why are beyond the scope of a "how it works" web page.

    Don't think this RG guy is very smart
    I don't post round here very often, but I spend my working life teaching undergraduates and supervising PhDs in Mech Eng, but I have a background in optoelectronics research amongst other things. I have known RG via this forum, (well OK its predecessor) for more than 10 years now, have even built a few of his "work-alike" circuits and still use them. FWIW I've always thought of him as quite smart, and have learnt a lot from his website.

    its not him that made it up he has stolen it from others
    We're all standing on the shoulders of giants. Not sure RG has ever claimed to be James Clerk Maxwell or Richard Feynman, but he has helped me out almost as much at times.

    But you appear to have history here, vincediamond - so I'm not sure why I bothered sharing any of that with you. What do you actually want?

    Last edited by Liam; 11-14-2007, 12:38 AM.


    • #17
      Not sure RG has ever claimed to be James Clerk Maxwell or Richard Feynman

      He sure trys to act like it

      RG always will starts some type of "commotion" or public disturbance online in people threads he chooses to dislike and others will follow him from what he says

      I'm not here to start commotion in my threads this is RG personal problem he needs to address on his on time not in my threads. If he has a problem with this walters character go find him RG

      If you find RG smart ""Each to their own""

      My point is if RG has a personal problem either PM me don't start commotion in people's threads is just plan RUDE


      • #18
        Originally posted by vincediamond View Post
        My point is if RG has a personal problem either PM me don't start commotion in people's threads is just plan RUDE
        Here's the point, vincediamond/walters/markphaser:

        That particular reference has helped a lot of people understand biasing, including under and over biasing. It's clearly not the only reference in the world on it. Let me give you another - "The Art of Electronics". Read that one, then come back and tell us what's missing.

        Just for the record - have you ever posted in this forum or any other under the pseudonym of "walters", "dathanwalters", or "markphaser"? Yes, or no answers only, please.

        By the way there are syntactic analysis programs that can determine to high probabilities whether two samples of text were written by the same person or not.

        I predict that you will go to great lengths not to answer the question.
        Amazing!! Who would ever have guessed that someone who villified the evil rich people would begin happily accepting their millions in speaking fees!

        Oh, wait! That sounds familiar, somehow.


        • #19
          Just for the record - have you ever posted in this forum or any other under the pseudonym of "walters", "dathanwalters", or "markphaser"? Yes, or no answers only, please

          I hope this walters/markphaser is a GIRL because this RG guy is really obsessed

          Thank you RG for bring your personal problem in my thread instead of PM me
          you didn't help but Ruined it


          • #20
            Originally posted by vincediamond View Post
            I hope this walters/markphaser is a GIRL because this RG guy is really obsessed
            Yeah, cuz otherwise he'd be a BIG GAY isn't that right?

            Do answer the question. That Walters guy was a real nuisance on a number of forums and a scholar like yourself wouldn't want to be identified with him.
            Last edited by Alex R; 11-14-2007, 12:47 PM. Reason: Maybe it's OCD. Least it's not ASD.


            • #21
              The question that you originally posed would need a reasonable knowledge of electronics before you could even understand any answer that any of us could give.

              The best explanation I can think of is that changing the bias just moves the operating point somewhere else on the load line. Changing the supply voltage moves the operating point too, since the bias voltage is derived from the supply voltage. But it also causes the load line to change its length and maybe even its slope and curvature.

              Changes in the operating point and load line both affect the harmonic distortion vs. overdrive characteristic in different ways that I can't even begin to be bothered trying to explain.

              Even for a qualified EE, it's usually easier to just mess around with the circuit until it starts to sound good.
              "Enzo, I see that you replied parasitic oscillations. Is that a hypothesis? Or is that your amazing metal band I should check out?"


              • #22
                Originally posted by vincediamond View Post
                Thank you RG for bring your personal problem in my thread instead of PM me you didn't help but Ruined it
                I predict that you will go to great lengths not to answer the question.
                Amazing!! Who would ever have guessed that someone who villified the evil rich people would begin happily accepting their millions in speaking fees!

                Oh, wait! That sounds familiar, somehow.


                • #23
                  RG go buy this syntactic analysis programs and find this walters/markphaser

                  RG, you have a problem more than a homeless person living on the street. So everyone is walters/markphaser if they mention a fuzzface or wah wah ? Stop relating and comparing people from online , online is not real life.

                  (Load line to change its length and maybe even its slope and curvature)

                  1.) Whats the different between germanium load line vs silcon load line?

                  2.) What kind of slopes and curvatures?

                  3.) Whats the difference between Changing the supply voltage moves the operating point VS using biasing trimmers to change the operating point?


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by vincediamond View Post
                    1.) Whats the different between germanium load line vs silcon load line?
                    Depends where you are on the load line. It's a different difference in different places. Where are you on the load line?
                    Originally posted by vincediamond View Post
                    2.) What kind of slopes and curvatures?
                    You mean the slopes and curvatures that change when you change the supply or the bias, or the ones that were there in the first place? When you say what kind, what kinds of kind do you have in mind?

                    Originally posted by vincediamond View Post
                    3.) Whats the difference between Changing the supply voltage moves the operating point VS using biasing trimmers to change the operating point?
                    Depends what kind of change you want to make. What kind of differential are you making when you say 'move' as against 'change'? Or am I splitting hairs? I mean I'd hate to waste your time with pointless questions.

                    Originally posted by vincediamond View Post
                    RG go buy this syntactic analysis programs and find this walters/markphaser

                    RG, you have a problem more than a homeless person living on the street. So everyone is walters/markphaser if they mention a fuzzface or wah wah ? Stop relating and comparing people from online , online is not real life.
                    Too right online isn't real life. I'd be more worried for you than I already am if I thought it was. Hey Walters, maybe you're a funny guy but the thing is you're only really amusing yourself. There is a word for that.


                    • #25
                      Come on alex stop playing games do you even know what a load line is, in the frist place or your just reading it ouf of a book? please stop reading stuff from this RG guy he doesn't really know either he just robes it from books as well

                      If you know what the load line is doing , then explain the difference between silicon vs germanium load lines

                      slopes and curvatures that change when you change the supply or the bias
                      yes thats true but explain more in detail about it , stop being so vague explain more about it please

                      Explain more about the dying battery effect of a transistor

                      dying battery effect of a silicon transistor
                      dying battery effect of a germanium transistor

                      What is really happening between the two please?

                      Silicon transistor load line is different than a germanium load line why is that?
                      whats the difference?


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by vincediamond View Post
                        Explain more about the dying battery effect of a transistor

                        dying battery effect of a silicon transistor
                        dying battery effect of a germanium transistor

                        What is really happening between the two please?
                        You mean between the battery and the silicon, the battery and the germanium, or between the silicon and the germanium? See what it is, you're right, I get it all out of books but I don't know which book to look in till you answer all these questions of mine.


                        • #27
                          Load lines are a property of the complete circuit, not of the transistor. The relevant properties that change between silicon and germanium transistors are

                          Vbe (0.7v for Si, 0.3v for Ge)

                          beta (which varies widely even between samples of the same transistor, but was generally lower for the old germanium types)

                          gm (goodness knows)

                          Differences in these parameters affect the way that the transistor responds to changes in both supply voltage and bias. The best way to visualise it is probably with load lines, like I explained earlier. If you can't, one simple consequence is that germanium trannies will keep working down to a lower supply voltage.

                          If you go read up on some basic electronic theory, it will help. BTW, I happen to think RG is a cool guy, and if you carry on being mean to him I'll just ignore your noobish cries for help altogether.
                          "Enzo, I see that you replied parasitic oscillations. Is that a hypothesis? Or is that your amazing metal band I should check out?"


                          • #28
                            Steve he's just taking the p. He'll only come back with some more irritating questions.


                            • #29
                              Differences in these parameters affect the way that the transistor responds to changes in both supply voltage and bias

                              1.) Differences in What parameters?

                              2.) Can you explain more about how the germanium and silicon transistor responses to changes in supply voltage and bias?

                              More about the dying battery effect on the germanium and silicon transistor is what i'm looking for


                              • #30
                                What did I say?

