I spotted a good deal on a housing a while back, and couldn't pass it up. It took a while to arrive on what must have been a pretty slow boat from Shanghai, but it looks like a nice assembly that's complete with everything needed for all of the mechanical parts of the pedal. After it arrived, I started getting some of the other pieces together.
Before I go any further I want to thank R.G. for his great article 'The Technology of Wah Pedals' at geofex.com . For anyone wanting to do this, it's absolutely the best place to start.
I found a layout for building the circuit on terminal strips from diy MOD. It should be really easy to swap components. The PDF is the instructions for their wah kit. It uses the traditional schematic, and values except for the bias resistors on Q1. On the same schematic they use MPSA18 transistors. I have a few others that I can try, but I'll start with those, along with their bias resistor choices. I ordered the same capacitors that they use as well.
I'll be using a dunlop fasel inductor https://www.amplifiedparts.com/produ...re-tone-yellow that is supposed to mimic the legendary tone. I don't know if there is any magic involved, but I measured it at 595mH, 14.6 ohm DCR, and 2.2uF. I've got a generic 100k wah pot for now. There are a lot of options, but I hope this will give me a good start, and a decent baseline.
I would be doing it already if I had remembered to order a rotary switch, but I plan to do the adjustable center frequency mod that R. G. shows in his article. I'm hoping the balance of the parts show up this weekend. I'm excited to get started.
wahtz_wah_schematic.pdf wahtz_wah_instructions_0.pdf
Before I go any further I want to thank R.G. for his great article 'The Technology of Wah Pedals' at geofex.com . For anyone wanting to do this, it's absolutely the best place to start.
I found a layout for building the circuit on terminal strips from diy MOD. It should be really easy to swap components. The PDF is the instructions for their wah kit. It uses the traditional schematic, and values except for the bias resistors on Q1. On the same schematic they use MPSA18 transistors. I have a few others that I can try, but I'll start with those, along with their bias resistor choices. I ordered the same capacitors that they use as well.
I'll be using a dunlop fasel inductor https://www.amplifiedparts.com/produ...re-tone-yellow that is supposed to mimic the legendary tone. I don't know if there is any magic involved, but I measured it at 595mH, 14.6 ohm DCR, and 2.2uF. I've got a generic 100k wah pot for now. There are a lot of options, but I hope this will give me a good start, and a decent baseline.
I would be doing it already if I had remembered to order a rotary switch, but I plan to do the adjustable center frequency mod that R. G. shows in his article. I'm hoping the balance of the parts show up this weekend. I'm excited to get started.
wahtz_wah_schematic.pdf wahtz_wah_instructions_0.pdf