Originally posted by mozz
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I bought 2 'sets' of AC125's from an online dealer. They were all marked with the gain, and leakage. I'll socket mount every transistor. There are plenty of PCBs available, but I thought it would be fun to DIY like the thread title says.
For all advice, search on diystompboxes and look for posts by LucifersTrip, aron, Electric Warrior and about 10 others, they have built and troubleshooted a lot of these. Electric Warrior has posted the voltages from a original good sounding unit, so you want to be near that ballpark. Also, don't do the bias pot thing on the 8.2k resistor on Q3, leave that alone and if you have to tweak the bias, use the collector of Q2, which may be 47k or 100k depending on which trannys you use. Also the base resistor on Q1 sometimes is 100k , other times 10k.
My first board right now is going into a open enclosure, transistor sockets, 100 ohm resistor on the 1k fuzz pot(to stop the wide open oscillation these are known to do), switch for 100k/10k on Q1base, switch for 100k/47k Q2collector, and test points so i can meter Q2c and Q3c voltages. I have it working beautiful with totally stock resistor values, just by swapping out transistors of the proper leakage and secondly, gain.