I have a few Old MXR ,DOD,Vox ectAfter years of use I would like to clean all the goop off.Can I scrape the circuit paths with a razor blade? My old P-90 has black rot from the old foam.
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Whats Best to Clean Vintage FX boards?
Rubbing alcohol on an old toothbrush, soft cloth and Q tips.
Frankly, washing them with soap and water isn't all that bad an idea IF YOU IMMEDIATELY THEN GET THEM DRY. You can do that with the old lab-glassware trick of pouring alcohol over the wet board. Alcohol and water are soluble in all relative proportions, so any water that's there is sucked into the alcohol wash and carried away. The remaining alcohol on the board evaporates quickly.
There have been more than one repair house that used a kitchen dishwasher to get dust, dirt and bar funk off boards then dried them with compressed air.Amazing!! Who would ever have guessed that someone who villified the evil rich people would begin happily accepting their millions in speaking fees!
Oh, wait! That sounds familiar, somehow.