i know im not the first one to do this. can anyone help with any guidlines or check list of things to check and clean on the univox tape echo units? i already have a new unused dictaphone tape. i know these tapes have to be modified to work. i wont know for sure if its already been done or if it still needs modifying till i get the machines which are coming(im getting two). do i lube the motor shafts? is there any belts to deal with? if so are they obtainable? is it true that if you change the echo delay pot with one of different value you can get slower speed? again if so, does it still operate properly? i believe i have enough knowledge of tape machines to get started in cleaning. but i do need to know about lubing and what do/dont lube and with what? etc does anyone have any experience or knowledge about using tapes called PLAYTAPES? one tape sold recently on ebay said it was using a modified PLAYTAPE. i plan on checking into that as well. rendell