Well that didn't take long. Google is amazing. Boss DD5 output impedance, 1k. I have always fed the CE1 with the DD5, so that explains the good performance and is quite a lucky break.
I always used a Pete Cornish treble booster between the guitar and the CE-1.
I have since found a way around this.
I use two Pete Cornish treble boosters. The second one has a control which I set at about 9 o'clock. This cuts the bass end off a little and seems to make the pedal work so much better. Because I use AC30's there is plenty of bottom and mids given by the amp.
Sorry to dig up an old thread but it seemed most relevant. Question here. I've modded my CE-1 with a 500k volume pot and also added a .01u across c41. The reason I did this in the first place was the pedal tone sucked horribly, so I was looking to address that. I also re-capped the entire thing.
Now my issue is that the effect has too much trebble. When on, it adds a bit of high end and when the amp is cranked or distortion is used it becomes way too much/harsh. Any ideas on a simple way to just back off the high end just a bit??
Also, I'm using a looper pedal with this, but I can't decide if I should stick the whole thing in the effects loop of the amp or not...any opinions on that as well?
He guys, found this thread and thought some one here could help me out.
I've done a few basic mods to my ce-1, like the 500k pot and depth knob for the chorus side. Now I'm trying to change the old red led lights to something more modern. I've tried some bright white leds but they are not turning on. I've checked to see if the lights work and they do and the same with the old ones, also getting power.
Does anyone here know if the ce-1 has some sort of resistor dropping down the voltage to were new brighter leds won't work. And if so, where this resistor is located? Any help would be awesome
May I suggest starting a new thread for your unit. You will get better response than tacking on the end of a thread that has been dead 8 years. And it can get confusing when a thread is about more than one unit.
Got a schematic you could post or link?
If plain old LEDs work, but bright whiters don't, check the data on the whites. What is their forward voltage and what is the recommended current range?
Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.
More modern (by about 40 years!) white LEDs are far more efficient, and easily illuminated to brightnesses more intense than older "garden variety" red LEDs with a mere fraction of the current. It's quite possible that use of a 1k current-limiting resistor - which would have been fine for older less efficient and more current-hungry LEDs - fried the white one. If "The Fight" wants to use a white one, consider starting with 15k instead of 1k.