I'm thinking of making a pedal around the Superfuzz circuit. One website says that 2SC828(Q) transistors were used in one particular make of the Superfuzz. I Googled 2SC828(Q), and pulled up a thread on another forum where it was described as a "plain jellybean" transistor. Whoever posted that compared it to the NTE 199.
Another website says to use 2N2222A or 2N3391 transistors.
So, my question is: does it matter which type of transistor I use, or will any ol' high gain NPN transistor do? I don't know much about transistors or how to pick substitutes for them. But I'm getting the impression that the transistors in this circuit might not be as critical to the tone as the transistors in a Rangemaster or Fuzz Face clone.
Another website says to use 2N2222A or 2N3391 transistors.
So, my question is: does it matter which type of transistor I use, or will any ol' high gain NPN transistor do? I don't know much about transistors or how to pick substitutes for them. But I'm getting the impression that the transistors in this circuit might not be as critical to the tone as the transistors in a Rangemaster or Fuzz Face clone.