I must have a very old Dunlop Wah GCB 95 because this circuit board has just two transistors - the 5117s.
I found an old thread where someone was asking about the 5117 transistors - that is what I have in this unit. Both transistors tested ok on my Atlas meter.
The switch needs to be replaced - for now, I am shorting the output jack to either the input or the circuit.
The pots is ok - but I need to figure out how to properly reinsert it. I am guessing you get the pot to the center position, the lever to center, and then tighten the pot in.
I am not sure about input and output jacks. Maybe there is an issue there.
In any event, I am trying to find a schematic for this thing. The circuit seems simple enough but I cannot get the wah signal to the output.
One of the transistors does not seem to be turned on. So I am trying to figure out what drives the base to get current flowing through it.
Anyone have a schematic or can perhaps point me to a resource for this thing? I am thinking it must be something like version 1 !!!
(And yes, I will soon be closing the loop on my other open threads!!!)

I found an old thread where someone was asking about the 5117 transistors - that is what I have in this unit. Both transistors tested ok on my Atlas meter.
The switch needs to be replaced - for now, I am shorting the output jack to either the input or the circuit.
The pots is ok - but I need to figure out how to properly reinsert it. I am guessing you get the pot to the center position, the lever to center, and then tighten the pot in.
I am not sure about input and output jacks. Maybe there is an issue there.
In any event, I am trying to find a schematic for this thing. The circuit seems simple enough but I cannot get the wah signal to the output.
One of the transistors does not seem to be turned on. So I am trying to figure out what drives the base to get current flowing through it.
Anyone have a schematic or can perhaps point me to a resource for this thing? I am thinking it must be something like version 1 !!!
(And yes, I will soon be closing the loop on my other open threads!!!)