It IS a Tube Screamer, or a very very slightly modded version.
Just get a TS PCB, guess they are available, and to build the Yeller version use the actual values used there, plus not building the FET switcher and using a TBP mechnical footswitch instead.
Will save you a lot of work, and avoid possible layout and PCB errors.
Browser software gets stupid paranoid on small clerical errors such as this one, and on the other side lets terrible spyware/malware through, thanks God antivirus software (generally) catches them.
But as far as Browser is concerned, THOSE are perfectly fine.
Yes, go ahead (at least there).
Ol´ Yeller´ itself looks quite homemade: labels are stickers or decals, not silkscreen, assembly is amateurish and homemade PCB has way too large component holes, probably couldn´t get the proper drill.
Of course, sound can be very good, just commenting on perceived construction level.
Can you show the PCB background (copper side?)
Maybe you can straight clone just that.
Not much Intelectual Property left on a Pedal which is clearly a clone itself, that might save you time.
This is my favorite OD pedal I've ever used. HL Wilson made them in Virginia Beach and sold them at Alpha Music. It's essentially a tubescreamer clone, but so much better. I have number 86 from the earlier builds, which was extremely transparent. I've used it for many years on many recordings. Here's some pics of my own version. He doesn't seem to make them anymore and I've also been debating building some myself, as I've never even pondered another relationship with another overdrive since I discovered it. Nothing else matches up.