Here's another odd bird that was acquired recently. Unfortunately this one does not work. It passes signal and with the effect on it makes just the very slightest teeniest bit of phaser effect... and I mean just barely.
I'd like to have it working as a cool weird piece in my collection but tbh, I'd rather someone else fix it for me. I'm better at building things new than at troubleshooting when it comes to pedals.
Anyone here have strong phaser knowledge and some interest? I can send paypal, gear or nudes from Central Florida. Just kidding about the nudes... kinda.
All I've done to it is cut out a poorly implemented LED and power jack and connect the battery clip to + and -

I'd like to have it working as a cool weird piece in my collection but tbh, I'd rather someone else fix it for me. I'm better at building things new than at troubleshooting when it comes to pedals.
Anyone here have strong phaser knowledge and some interest? I can send paypal, gear or nudes from Central Florida. Just kidding about the nudes... kinda.
All I've done to it is cut out a poorly implemented LED and power jack and connect the battery clip to + and -
