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VOX 1905 Chorus // Guyatone Chorus - no clock signal

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  • VOX 1905 Chorus // Guyatone Chorus - no clock signal

    Hey all,

    Looking for some help diagnosing this chorus pedal that won't sweep. I've narrowed it down to a lack of clock signal for the BBD (MN3002), but I can't seem to get the flip flop (CD4013) to generate the clock signal.

    The LFO is working as expected, I've attached the full schematic as well as the subcircuit that is the problem area and the corresponding voltages (AC in green, DC in red). Note that all measurements were taken with Intensity (Depth, on the schematic) and Speed at maximum.

    Both NPN and PNP transistors that drive the CD4013 have been replaced, as have the electrolytic caps in this section of the circuit.

    If anyone has any ideas it would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!

  • #2
    What is the voltage on pin 14 of the 4013?
    Is pin 13 really connected to pin 14? I think pin 13 should be left unconnected.
    Last edited by dmeek; 06-09-2021, 08:51 PM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by dmeek View Post
      What is the voltage on pin 14 of the 4013?
      Is pin 13 really connected to pin 14? I think pin 13 should be left unconnected.
      The DC voltage on pins 13 and 14 (they are connected) is 9.2V and there's a 400mV p2p triangle wave riding that DC


      • #4
        I did a quick breadboard of the circuit and it works with pins 13 and 14 connected. I tried both 4013A and 4013B The old A version doesn't work.
        If you haven't already, change the 4013B


        • #5
          Thanks for taking the time to do that! I didn't even realize there was a significant difference between the A and B suffixes, will give the CD4013B a shot!


          • #6
            Replaced the old CD4013 with a CD4013BE and still not getting a clock pulse out of pins 1 and 2. Anyone have any other ideas?


            • #7
              Click image for larger version  Name:	4013-functional-diagram.png Views:	0 Size:	6.6 KB ID:	935324
              4013 Datasheet



              If LFO is working, CD4013 been replaced, check (replace) BBD (MN3002)
              Last edited by vintagekiki; 06-24-2021, 12:58 PM. Reason: 2)
              It's All Over Now


              • #8
                Wouldn't you still expect to see a clock pulse coming out of the CD4013 whether the BBD was stuffed or not? I don't have a replacement MN3002..


                • #9
                  If you can temporarily remove MN3002, and then check for clock pulse on socket MN3002 (pin 2, pin 12)
                  It's All Over Now


                  • #10
                    I've pulled the MN3002 and still don't have a clock signal there

