I have a TS5, the plastic one that sounds really good. But i also have a new behringer clone that i have on my board to replace the TS5 because it's jacks and pots....everything have been repaired numerous times and it's working but unreliable. They sound very close but the mid tone in the behringer is a tad more nasally and doesn't quite have to low mids. The buffer resistors that denote the difference between a 808 and TS9, 10 etc are the same in both. But i found the behringer uses a electrolytic off the center of the tone pot while the TS5 uses a tantalum. Both the cap and resistor in both are the same value but for the electro vs tant. Do you think thats the likely reason for the tone? It will be a bitch to swap and if i don't have a .22 tant i will have to buy online and probably pay $5-10 to ship a stupid cap. Heres the schematic.... (won't allow a gif to be inserted in post)
EDIT: Nevermind, took the tant from the TS5 and put it in the behringer. Seems to have worked.
EDIT: Nevermind, took the tant from the TS5 and put it in the behringer. Seems to have worked.