After writing up the SVT-VR new amp setup thread, I during proof-reading the text (after having added photos from my computer), every time I used the "&" symbol, posting the thread would change that to "&" everywhere I used the symbol. From previous edits on threads having photos, after correcting typos and this odd artifact, those photos become disabled after saving the edit. No idea why. So, for the time being, there's that strange artifact added to the "&" symbol. I had been copying paragraphs as I composed the thread, since the time to compose would exceed the time allowable, then I'd have to log back in, and reload all the saved text. Been burned by loosing half an hour's worth of composing text before as well. Odd that that "&" artifact DOESN'T appear in my text copy on my computer.
I never had these problems with the previous system software.
I never had these problems with the previous system software.