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LINUX---Discussions in General

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  • LINUX---Discussions in General

    Anyone try the Ubuntu Linux.
    I just downloaded the 12.10 Desktop version.
    I put it on a DVD then Loaded it to a USB Thumb Drive.
    I've always used Mandriva, and the Ubuntu runs circles around Mandriva.
    It is very fast, small, but has a lot of basic programs.
    The thumb drive I put it on was a 8gb Scandisk, I got at WalMart for $5 bucks.
    Give it a try if you want something to mess with.
    Last edited by big_teee; 03-16-2019, 05:44 PM.
    "If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference of the Devil in the House of Commons." Winston Churchill

  • #2
    I like the Ubuntu ok, looking for something that runs that good and fast, but looks and acts more like Windows.
    On Flash drive #2 I tried first Mandriva, then fedora 17.
    They loaded and ran ok, but seemed very antiquated, and slow.
    I then put on Linux Mint 13 KDE Desktop on Drive #2.
    I liked the OS, but didn't care for the KDE.
    I formatted then Put Mint 13 Mate Desktop on #2.
    It is great, and looks more like a windows desktop, and has the speed and ease of the Ubuntu 12.10.
    I may try the Mint 13 Cinnamon desktop on a 3rd Flash drive, after I purchase some more of the $5 flash drives on sell at Wally World.
    Linux has made great strides lately.
    "If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference of the Devil in the House of Commons." Winston Churchill


    • #3
      I recently got myself one of those Raspberry Pi things. Wish it was able to run Ubuntu, but at the moment there seem to be only a few somewhat reduced distros of Debian it will run.


      • #4
        One of my concerns about the various versions of Linux is that I doubt if they will support all of the Windows programs I use. Rather than hope for a good Windows virtual machine in Linux I think that a better solution would be a dual boot setup. I would use Linux mainly for browsing and email, while the Windows partition would run my "real" programs but not be connected to the internet (unless absolutely necessary to register or activate a program.)

        Steve Ahola
        The Blue Guitar
        Some recordings:


        • #5
          Originally posted by Steve A. View Post
          One of my concerns about the various versions of Linux is that I doubt if they will support all of the Windows programs I use. Rather than hope for a good Windows virtual machine in Linux I think that a better solution would be a dual boot setup. I would use Linux mainly for browsing and email, while the Windows partition would run my "real" programs but not be connected to the internet (unless absolutely necessary to register or activate a program.)

          Steve Ahola
          That is the beauty of a Laptop, and the Usb Flash drive.
          Stick it in and boot to Linux.
          Take it out, and boot to windows.
          Works real slick.
          I don't use a desktop, so don't have that worry.
          "If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference of the Devil in the House of Commons." Winston Churchill


          • #6
            For now the Linux winner IMHO is Linux Mint 13 Maya, with Mate Desktop.
            With some customizing, you can make the desktop very close to the XP desktop.
            Runners up are, Mint 13 with Cinnamon desktop, and then Ubuntu, Fedora, and mandriva.
            There are many others I didn't try.
            May try Lubuntu, and Debian when I get time.
            Here is what Mint 13 Looks like, have a look.
            Linux Mint Debian 201204 with Cinnamon, Mate & XFCE - Perfeck - YouTube
            "If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference of the Devil in the House of Commons." Winston Churchill


            • #7
              I love Linux and I have been using it for a while. I am i Huge computer geek. I have been working in IT for the better part of 8 years and my lap top and home PC are all linux. I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 at home that I am wiping and reinstalling another flavor. On my Laptop I'm running Bohdi Linux which is like Ubuntu lite. There are several version of linux out there. Some great ones can be found. just do a google search for "Distrowatch" its great to get specialy designed flavors of linux. geared to what you need to like. And to top it off they are free! you cant beat that. Other than my wifes computer and my daughters computer every other computer in my house is running linux. There is a wealth of info on home recording with linux out there as well. Just let me know if you need some help with it. I can point you in some really cool directions.
              plain and simple Linux just rules. IMHO.


              • #8
                Originally posted by morbe View Post
                I love Linux and I have been using it for a while. I am i Huge computer geek. I have been working in IT for the better part of 8 years and my lap top and home PC are all linux. I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 at home that I am wiping and reinstalling another flavor. On my Laptop I'm running Bohdi Linux which is like Ubuntu lite. There are several version of linux out there. Some great ones can be found. just do a google search for "Distrowatch" its great to get specialy designed flavors of linux. geared to what you need to like. And to top it off they are free! you cant beat that. Other than my wifes computer and my daughters computer every other computer in my house is running linux. There is a wealth of info on home recording with linux out there as well. Just let me know if you need some help with it. I can point you in some really cool directions.
                plain and simple Linux just rules. IMHO.
                I agreee with most you say.
                I check Distrowatch daily.
                I have tried about 20 different linux versions, in the past month.
                Biggest problems with a lot of them, is they won't run a lot of the different hardware out there.
                Ubuntu, Mint, and a few more have that worked out.
                Also You want a linux that supports auto updates.
                Some of the smaller distros don't update, and what you load is what you get.
                I have tried 3 different versions of OpenSuse.
                None of them will run my graphics card in my new laptop.
                Hopefully as time goes on they will all support more drivers.
                I first download a Live disk.
                If the live version will run and support your hardware, I then load it and go from there.
                Waiting for the new official version of Mageia 3 to come out, but think it will be a few months.
                "If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference of the Devil in the House of Commons." Winston Churchill


                • #9
                  I normally dont run the Live CD's I install the full version of Ubuntu making my PC a true linux box. I found that you can find for most video cards. I have an older Nvidia in my main PC so the ubuntu nvidia package works great. I get a really good FPS via "GLXgears" I cant game really because WINE will not play the games I had from Windows. Im not sure what video cards that my 10 year old laptop has but the Ubuntu native drivers work well enough.
                  What hardware drivers are you having trouble with?


                  • #10

                    You could work the other way around and use a VM such as VirtualBox (free) in which to run linux. Sounds like this would work for you as your linux use is quite light. You can specify a shared folder to allow file sharing between the OS's.
                    Experience is something you get, just after you really needed it.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by nickb View Post

                      You could work the other way around and use a VM such as VirtualBox (free) in which to run linux. Sounds like this would work for you as your linux use is quite light. You can specify a shared folder to allow file sharing between the OS's.
                      Virtual box and Wine are both interface options.
                      On the Live versions.
                      If it is something new, I'm not familiar with, I load the live first.
                      If I don't like the live and It won't run major hardware like graphics, wireless, etc.
                      Then I move on and don't waste my time with a full system load.
                      "If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference of the Devil in the House of Commons." Winston Churchill


                      • #12
                        Big_teeee, Wine is a Windows Emulator, its intended to run Windows based products in Linux Its free of course but its very sketchy Some Windows based software runs flawless but other run with several bugs. From personal experience its mediocre through Crossover is another emulator but its 40$. I've never tried it. I've never heard of Virtual Box but from what it seems its free VM software to run other OS's on a windows computer. Running a live CD will only install a basic set instructions and drivers of a Linux Operating System. This may be why your having trouble with getting hardware to work correctly. especially since a live CD is loaded into memory like a program and memory is volatile meaning that almost nothing is saved. On the other hand Linux to look, feel and seem very alien to those who have ran windows their entire lives. It is however very similar to MAC in some respects. Keep playing with he Live CD's and have fun, thats what linux is for! So Good for you!

                        @ Steve, I think what you are doing is great as well the only thing I found hard to swallow was your comment about running "Real Programs" Linux Offers plenty of really good programs that rival those of Windows based and Mac Based. For example, I record my band on a portable mixer and then clean it up and master it on a program called Adour (Garage band) which is free for Windows as well. another Free program written for Linux but available for Windows is Gimp(Adobe photshop). its a really great graphics editor that rivals the competition in my opinion.

                        Please dont think that Im tooting my own horn or talking down to you guys because Im a linux guru. Becuase thats not my intention. I understand different strokes for different folks. There are things about windows that I really miss, Like Gaming but When it came time for me yo upgrade from Windows xp, I didnt really want to pay for Windows Vista when Windows 7 was around the corner. So I installed Linux and never looked back.


                        • #13
                          Gig_teee, Have fun with the live CD's Its a great way to get your feet wet with linux. Just keep in mind that they are very basic versions of the OS, sort of like free ware or trial version in Windows. and WINE is a Windows emulator that lets you run windows programs in Linux but it can be very quirky. and the other software mentioned is a VM allowing you to run other OS's within windows.

                          Steve, LOL Linux has a bunch of "Real Programs" some even rival the software they minic.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by morbe View Post
                            Gig_teee, Have fun with the live CD's Its a great way to get your feet wet with linux.
                            You need to read my whole posts!
                            I load the lives to see if I like them before I go to the trouble to load the whole system on my Hard drive.
                            I have said that repeatedly in this thread.
                            I'm not an engineer, but when it comes to linux, I'm not a novice either.
                            I have been messing with linux, off and on for over 10 years.
                            Peace, and Read the whole post!
                            "If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference of the Devil in the House of Commons." Winston Churchill


                            • #15
                              my bad sorry,

