As with any part of visual arts, light, its color temperature, level, and diffusion determine more than any element whether an image comes out right. If you have good light for the subject and your intent, just about any camera can take just about any photo hanging on gallery walls. The advantages of higher end gear and lenses come into play primarily in the extremes of low light, fast erratic movement, or resolution. One advantage of small point and shoot is their very small apertures that give a deep field planes of focus, so focusing does not have to be as precise, so more of the different distances between various objects in the frame will be in focus. A disadvantage of small aperture is low light sensitivity so noise and dynamic range suffer unless well lit. For the type of micro or macro(macro is technically a 1:1 image size on the sensor or greater and Micro is the term used for less than 1:1 reproduction) would describe individual components but shots of chassis or something as large or larger than the sensor is just close focusing which does not require specialized macro lenses. PC boards, chassis or individual component have one thing in common, the need for good lighting. You can set up some overhead lights will allow less sensitive smaller sensors to give a good signal to noise ratio and have good color capture. Lighting can be free or close to it so if one is willing to so a little of the work they can get by very cheaply in the way of a camera.
The comment about high res allows cropping. Yes, it does but cropping also lowers perceived as well as real signal to noise ratio and shows even minor weaknesses in lenses and holding technique, any motion blur will be amplified. Visually, filling the frame, will result in better image quality because more pixels span the cross section of the subject target.
The comment about high res allows cropping. Yes, it does but cropping also lowers perceived as well as real signal to noise ratio and shows even minor weaknesses in lenses and holding technique, any motion blur will be amplified. Visually, filling the frame, will result in better image quality because more pixels span the cross section of the subject target.