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Microsoft call scam. help!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by big_teee View Post
    Most virus and malware issues reside in the hard drive, not in the bios.
    Therefore is safest option format the system disk C: (not quick format) or format the partition on which is located the system disk C: and then install clean OS.
    The rest has already been said.
    It's All Over Now


    • #17
      Originally posted by vintagekiki View Post
      Therefore is safest option format the system disk C: (not quick format) or format the partition on which is located the system disk C: and then install clean OS.
      The rest has already been said.
      Can anyone comment on "the safest option is to format the system C"... "and then install a clean OS".

      What "formatting the system C" means Ive no idea you see. Perhaps someone (else) could help by just explaining what this is. If its relevant in their opinion.



      • #18
        This laptop belongs to a kind 93 year old, just had a stroke, lives alone, no-one allowed in to see him now.. his only form of communication & tool to cope with terrible boredom, apart from the phone, the www.. maybe we could help him perhaps get this scrambled (afaict) laptop sorted out.

        So you would be helping me, help him.

        Many thanks- Sea Chief.


        • #19
          Originally posted by big_teee View Post
          Info for all Windows users.
          Modern computers with microsoft 8 or 10, use secure boot.
          Secure boot checks the bios for root kit and boot kit problems.
          With the secure boot enabled, the computer will not boot if a virus, malware, root or boot kit is loaded in the bios.
          Make sure the secure boot is enabled in your bios.
          Most virus and malware issues reside in the hard drive, not in the bios.
          Ok so the bios is entered afaict, during the ON process.. you press press a key > you're into the bios. Correct?

          So you are suggesting this to do, first, in order to establish -where- the malware (assuming a "scrambled" laptop has had this entity introduced) might reside. Correct?

          thx SC


          • vintagekiki
            vintagekiki commented
            Editing a comment

            Most virus and malware issues reside in the hard drive, not in the bios.

        • #20
          Originally posted by Sea Chief View Post
          Can anyone comment ... ...
          Click image for larger version  Name:	(1) a020.gif Views:	0 Size:	5.8 KB ID:	919350
          It's All Over Now


          • #21
            If you will search on youtube, there are a lot of tutorials on drive formatting, and installing windows.
            Here is one of many.
            You will have to pick one for your version of windows.
            Since I run Linux only, and use linux tools, I will be of little help.
            "If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference of the Devil in the House of Commons." Winston Churchill


            • #22
              As far as 'what is formatting?', it's basically wiping the drive, pretty much the most thorough way of erasing everything.
              Originally posted by Enzo
              I have a sign in my shop that says, "Never think up reasons not to check something."


              • #23
                If you are concerned about getting the drive wiped clean, another thing to consider?
                It would be a good time to replace the old rotating hard drive with a new SSD (Solid State Drive).
                It will come wiped clean, and all you will have to do is install windows.
                If you ever go solid state drive, you will never want to go back.
                The SSD is so much faster, and fun to use.
                My wife and I have 4 laptops, all with SSDs.
                I never plan on using rotating hard drives again.
                "If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference of the Devil in the House of Commons." Winston Churchill


                • #24
                  Quick question... Do you have an installation disc of Windows ready to go??

                  Edit: I ask this question because it should be the First question asked. When you install the new OS it will do all the formatting of the drive thus wiping it clean of the old installation.
                  When the going gets weird... The weird turn pro!


                  • #25
                    Some options!

                    If you want to buy windows 10?
                    You have to download it and burn it to a dvd or usb.
                    You can purchase it here.

                    Or you can download Ubuntu Linux for free here.
                    It's free and it is fast and secure.
                    You could load linux on a usb stick and try it live.
                    Running it live is temporary, and is gone once you reboot to the hard drive.
                    How to install Ubuntu with usb drive.
                    Last edited by big_teee; 11-30-2020, 05:50 AM.
                    "If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference of the Devil in the House of Commons." Winston Churchill


                    • #26
                      Originally posted by DrGonz78 View Post
                      Quick question... Do you have an installation disc of Windows ready to go??

                      Edit: I ask this question because it should be the First question asked. When you install the new OS it will do all the formatting of the drive thus wiping it clean of the old installation.
                      Thanks for the info chaps, going through the info now.

                      No, I dont have an installation disc. He had windows 8.1. I said perhaps its best if this was installed again, if possible. Like a car seat he's used to etc. Different layouts for a 93 yr old isn't ideal. Is windows 8.1 still able to be installed? and would it be useable for say a few years?


                      • #27
                        If you have the laptop and can get it to start in SAFEMODE , try doing a System Restore to a point before the call . Also if you can get it to start in "Safe Mode with internet" I would download Malwarebytes as JM Fahey suggested and try that, I've had success with it in the past. Both options are free and may save a lot of time.
                        If you don't know where your going any road'll take you there : George Harrison


                        • #28
                          Originally posted by shortcircuit View Post
                          If you have the laptop and can get it to start in SAFEMODE , try doing a System Restore to a point before the call . Also if you can get it to start in "Safe Mode with internet" I would download Malwarebytes as JM Fahey suggested and try that, I've had success with it in the past. Both options are free and may save a lot of time.
                          Hi Shortcircuit up there in michigan, i bet pretty cold now? appreciate the reply/ info. Slightly tricky thing getting the laptop to me, but will have to if the best option.

                          Poor old thing can only get round using a frame, & with current restrictions, asking him to pack it up somehow > to then put s'where for courier.. not easy.. so, I'm just getting a plan together to essentially/ probably pass on the info to whoever he can get to pick it up from him/ look at it, near him.

                          It would be just as likely to get it fixed if somehow could get to me, as Id think his via repairer, the local options to him likely very limited.


                          • #29
                            freezing today, but we've been lucky weather wise thus far. Do you know if he has a physical mouse connected to the laptop ?? More than likely he does, try unplugging it and see if the touch pad mouse does the same thing , it probably will, but it's worth a try. From your original post ," it's unusable" so he can't type System Restore in the search box ? If he could, he could try the restore without having to get into safemode , although safemode would be the better option.
                            If you don't know where your going any road'll take you there : George Harrison


                            • #30
                              shortcircuit He does, a mouse I bought him he moans about! but fine. No I think its so badly gone haywire, even unplugging this it'll still be going nanas preventing typing. He stayed on the phone you see for about 20mins, he didn't so he tells me, give them any password. And also told me 'no, never used my card on www, never' this he's told me for years sniffing at buying anything on www, sniffing a people who do (me!). But then.. "oh yes I did do once, I bought Mcafee antivirus (the irony) put card details in, £30 a year". Urgh. So told him get onto barclays stop cards 1st thing monday. But scam call was about 2 weeks ago now. I dread to think..

                              Poor thing he's spent ages on calls to Dell, blaming the laptop he bought 5 yrs ago. Then blaming microsoft, for the call! I informed him of the reality, can only really partly (erm mostly!) blame himself.. but still in denial! he'll probably blame 'those bbc communist theives' soon.. or 'all this corona twaddle'.

                              Thanks for your help up there, sounds chilly.. boring mild here, west wales. All autumns like so it seems now. SC

