Many years ago I had a few Gibson Les Pauls. I compared all of them as to their acoustic sound and than plugged them into the amp . My overall opinion was that the louder acoustic sounding LP's did not transfer their volume and tone to their electric sound. The "duller" ones seemed to be much fuller and "resonant" through the amp whilst the ones that everybody claimed had the "best acoustic sound" were overall thinner electrically. This YouTube vid is old but he touches on some accurate observations.
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Acoustic Resonance vs. Electric Resonance
Acoustic Resonance vs. Electric Resonance
an expansion on our radio show from Monday Night 9 EST on Go there for the replay Thank You so much for watching Dylan Talks Tone!!! Please cons...Tags: None
I built an electric sitar a few years ago and it was frustrating that I never got the full acoustic sound out of the pickups. It really did have a convincing, complex and rich sitar sound. Originally I based the bridge on the Danelectro and made it from phenolic resin, but got a much better sound once I made it all in brass. I sectioned into individual bridge pieces adjustable for intonation, height and angle to get the most sitar-like sound.
Whilst it did work pretty well through an amp, the subtle bright overtones were lost. It would have perhaps needed piezo transducers and a body mic to blend in with the magnetic pickups.