This is a how to, I have been working on guitars, and I could use some advice... yes.. I know the concept of shimming, but I am comming here with a CUP EMPTY state of mind ... I want to learn, it doesn;t matter what I know, but what you know...
Here are some questions beginners would ask...
Why do you shim a guitar?
What effects does it have on tone?
HOW do you shim a guitar?
What material do YOU use (and we all use different
What guitars specifically (of the vintage sort) need shimming the most..
I though tthis would be a good how to...and a great way to share trade secrets, and to help those new guys learn a bit more...
Here are some questions beginners would ask...
Why do you shim a guitar?
What effects does it have on tone?
HOW do you shim a guitar?
What material do YOU use (and we all use different
What guitars specifically (of the vintage sort) need shimming the most..
I though tthis would be a good how to...and a great way to share trade secrets, and to help those new guys learn a bit more...