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Buckethead Kill Switch

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  • Buckethead Kill Switch

    I would like to install in my selector spot on a LP copy. What is the exact type of switch I need. I tried a crap one from radio shack and it was garbage and didnt work right.

    And also where to wire it in at.


  • #2
    the buck uses a small push button switch of unknown type, typically you want a small "normally open" single pole momentary pushbutton with a threaded bushing that's long enough to go through the guitar top. Measure the thickness with a tone or vol. pot out. Mouser would have many types, this one might work
    MB2011SS1W01-RO NKK Switch Pushbutton Switches

    the trick (I got wrong initially) is to us a "normally open" (NO) switch which takes the signal from the pickups (before the jack naturally) and puts it to ground when pushed. A normally closed on the signal which just cuts it off is noisy as all hell.

    Other just set the neck PU to zero and use the pickup selector switch, but this is crude. You want a dynamic kill switch, while playing, right? It sure makes those speakers jump!


    • #3
      Just thoughts jumbling in my head: Have you looked into an ignition push start button for a car? I'd look for a low amp one designed for a relay, not a high amp one. I bet those would be made to 1000x higher standards than radioshack junk.


      • #4
        Radio Shack parts are not really junk. I've had many of their switches and pots in guitars that have been working fine for the past 30 years.

        You can pretty much buy the same parts from Mouser, or one of the other electronic part catalogs.
        It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure. — Albert Einstein


        • #5
          Originally posted by David Schwab View Post
          Radio Shack parts are not really junk. I've had many of their switches and pots in guitars that have been working fine for the past 30 years.

          You can pretty much buy the same parts from Mouser, or one of the other electronic part catalogs.
          Umm, not to pop any bubbles, but if they've been in working condition for 30 years then those WERE good parts, but those aren't carried by radioshack anymore. They sold off their manufacturing plants some years ago and their stuff hasn't been the same since. I should know, I actually have a part time job at a local shack (for when the computer repairs are slow ya know) and my boss has been with the company for 30+ years and is just managing as an old-fart retirement job.

          Radioshack brand actually used to be very competitive and good, but all their new stuff is just rebadged from another brand, so there's no guarantee it'll be ANY good, or the same from year to year since it's all based on lowest bidder mentality.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Gollum View Post
            They sold off their manufacturing plants some years ago and their stuff hasn't been the same since.
            Since when did Radio Shack manufacture Alpha pots or any of the parts they carry? They never did! If you look at all the packaging it says "custom manufactured for radio Shack". It always said that.

            They simply stock parts from other manufacturers. Even their speakers were made by companies like Electro Voice...

            Except for Tandy wire and computers, Radio Shack never manufactured anything at all. Everything was out sourced.

            The point is that Radio Shack carries Alpha pots... Stew Mac carried Alpha pots.. other places carry Alpha pots... the only difference is in the shafts. Stew Mac sells pots with split-knurled shafts, while RS carries pots with solid long shafts you have to cut to length.

            You can get better quality Alpha pots from places like Mouser, but they aren't junk parts. Even the switches and stuff RS carries are lower end versions by regular manufacturers. Yes there are better quality parts out there, but these aren't bad in a pinch.

            The unfortunate part is since RS is de-emphasizing electronic parts over consumer electronics, the quality of some stuff like mini toggle switches isn't as good as they used to be. The switches work fine, but feel stiff.

            So if you choose wisely, there's shouldn't be a problem. I'd stick a radio Shack push button in a guitar as a kill switch, and if I wanted something better, get a switch from a real electronic parts source.

            Radio Shack Catalog Archive from 1939
            It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure. — Albert Einstein



            • #7
              I put a small red killswitch (momentary on-off) in my SG a while ago. Bought the switch at a local computer electronics supply store here in Houston for .075.

              I can email you a photo of how I wired it up if you'd like.


              • #8
                Nice guitar! The switch looks cool on it.
                It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure. — Albert Einstein


